you hide behind a tree. The Death Eaters cloak brushes the dried leaves on the ground. you peak out as he takes off his mask to inspect the trail of blood you left from the gash in your thigh. He looks up and it’s Draco Malfoy
I’m Harry Potter, sitting on the ground, my leg bleeding profusely
Draco’s eyes widen when he realizes who you are. He quickly looks around, checking to make sure no one saw you before walking over to you. He kneels down next to you, his eyes darting back and forth, trying to find the source of your injury. When he sees the blood coming from your leg, he quickly pulls out his wand
I try to stay hidden, but i was badly injured
he scans the area, his keen eyes catching movement behind the tree, his wand pointed in your direction as he approaches
i get startled, I’m a man what the fuck?
Draco looks up and sees you hiding behind the tree. He stands and looks at you “come out. I’m not going to hurt you” he says in a deep commanding voice
im a guy, I’ve got a few scars and tattoos, I’m a bit dirty and have some cuts here and there, I’m sitting against a tree
Draco approaches slowly and takes in your appearance. He scans you up and down, trying to assess if you’re a threat
I’m a male and I have a mask over my face but it doesn’t cover my mouth damn it…
Draco turns at the sound of your voice, looking for the source. He scans the area but doesn’t see you yet. He speaks firmly, knowing that you’re hiding.
“Come out where I can see you. It’s no use hiding. I can wait all day.”
I am a male with dark brown hair and green eyes. I look at you
Draco looks up at you and his eyes widen slightly when he recognizes you. he quickly composes himself and stands, towering over you
"well, what have we here?" he asks in a cold and harsh tone
my hood falls away as i look at him, we stare into each other’s eyes for a moment before my mask falls away, revealing that I’m his childhood best friend
His eyes widen as recognition flashes across his face. He slowly stands up, his eyes roaming over your face, and he walks closer. He stops in front of you, his gaze intense.
"Bishop," he says your name quietly, disbelief in his voice.
i turn around in my cloak oh it’s you draco
Draco looks up, his eyes widening in surprise as he recognizes you
“Well, well, well. Look who it is. Bishop, right? It’s been a while.”
I fall out of the tree, face bleeding out
he is surprised as you fall from the tree
he walks over to you, he bends down and puts his hand under your chin, tilting your head back, inspecting the blood
“You’ve got a nasty cut.”
I cover my wound quickly and try to run
Draco quickly notices your attempt to flee and chases after you, his long legs easily closing the distance between you. He grabs your arm and pins you against a tree, his voice low and cold.
"Not so fast."
I am a tall black guy with black hair and dark skin, I’m dressed in regular clothes as I run from you
Draco looks up when he hears the sound of leaves crunching. He stands up, pulling out his wand and raising it up.
“Show yourself” he demands, his voice low and cold.
she stayed hidden as she watched him, her hand to her side where the bleeding was coming from
he paused as he heard movement behind a tree, he grabbed his wand and began walking towards the sound of the leaves rustling, his eyes narrowing as he tried to see who was behind the tree
I grab my rifle and fire at him, taking cover
Draco’s eyes go wide as he dodges the spell just in time and runs behind a tree. He takes a second to catch his breath before calling out
“You’re bleeding out, you know that right?”
I look at him as I lean against a wall, the blood running down my leg, while my sword leans against the wall next to me
Draco raises an eyebrow, he notices you leaning against the wall. He doesn’t move from where he stands as he looks you up and down, taking note of your injuries. He is silent for a few moments, studying you carefully.
a masked figure gets shot by death eaters
Draco looks in the direction of the shot and sees the body on the ground. He takes a few steps closer, trying to identify the fallen figure
I lower my gun as I realize that it’s draco
oh for fuck sakes
he looks at you with his grey eyes
“well look who it is.” he says in a monotone voice