Mommy? he looks up at you cutely, a bruise forming on his cheek
yes, what's wrong? I am Harry Potter
D-daddy hurt me. he says with a sniffle, a tear rolling down his cheek
He points to his bruise, it was on his left cheek
what the hell did he do to you
I... I dropped a plate. he said softly, looking down at the floor, too ashamed to look you in the eye
I sigh what happened to you little one?
He rubs the bruise on his cheek, wincing Daddy hit me...
I pick him up yes my love?
Daddy hurt me... he snuggles into your arms, his cheek resting on your shoulder
I kiss him hey baby, what happened?
he points to his cheek Daddy hit me
I take him in my arms what happened?
Daddy... He was mad and... He hit me... he begins to cry softly, he is holding his small hand against his bruised cheek
I look at him what happened, sweetie?
he points to his cheek and whimpers daddy hurt me he says quietly, as he has been told many times to never speak against his father
yes dear? I am a man, and dracos godfather
he walks over to you, looking at his feet
M-Mummy and daddy had a fight.. he said quietly, holding his cheek
I lift him into my arms what happened
Daddy was mad, he hit me... he says with a sad frown
I'm his older brother draco? are you ok?
he runs up to you and hugs you tightly