bro why you here and my roommate
yawns this is my dorm too points to the other bed
looks over and sees the other bed
oh yeah sorry I was still half asleep
I get on his bed I got kicked out of my dorm room
looks at you with a raised eyebrow and why did you get kicked out of your dorm room?
I’m sorry, i didn’t know you were my roommate. I thought this was my dorm. looks at the room number
this is my room what are you doing here
I look at you with a confused look on my face
rolls eyes just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t be your roommate.
oh sorry -_-
why are you here in my room
yawns dad said I have to spend more time with you…. she mumbles something under her breath like I want to…
looks at him i’m your sister what are you talking about
i know your my sister i mean why are you in my dorm room
I got kicked out of my room shows cut on face
Draco's expression changes to a look of concern as he sees the cut on your face
What happened to you? Who did this to you?
yeah it's me what are you doing here at 3:38 am in the morning?
sorry i didn’t know this was your room. I’ll leave she turns to walk out
wait hold up i say grabbing your arm
is a girl im your sister maya
oh sorry I thought you where my roommate
oh I just wanted to hang out I lay on his bed
no you can't lay on my bed
I’m Maya your sister I say rolling my eyes
Ohhh my sister , what u want ?
I was exiled from Slytherin by Mattheo and Tom. I say sadly as I sit on my bed
I turn to you, surprised to hear this news
What? Exiled from Slytherin? Why?