I watch from a distance, as I am new and don’t want to get involved
He continues to talk with his friends but he glances over to you and notices you standing there but he doesn’t say anything just keeps his gaze on you for a few more seconds before looking back to his friends
I walk down the hallway trying to get my bearings. I clutch my schedule tightly, reading it over and over again.
Draco notices you walking around looking lost and stops talking with his friends and starts walking towards you and taps your shoulder to get your attention
I walk through the halls, trying to find my next class
He spots you walking and points you out to his friends and they look at you as he starts to walk up to you and they follow behind him
I was walking down the hall, trying to get to the cafeteria, but I got lost
Draco was standing there with his friends and sees you looking lost and he thinks your cute and decides to go talk to you
Hey you look lost
a group of girls surround me, giggling and touching my hair
Draco watches this from afar while talking to his friends. He can’t help but smirk a bit when he sees all the girls surrounding you, but he doesn’t say anything to his friends
I come around the corner, my scarlet and gold hair catching their attention. I'm wearing a tight black shirt and a flowy, pleated, crimson skirt
Draco’s eyes widen as he sees your hair as his friends look you up and down they look at your clothes and hair in a mixture of disgust and awe. He stares at you a look of shock on his face
she was sitting in the courtyard, reading a book and sketching the scenery
Draco was walking through the courtyard and spotted you sitting and reading a book. He wasn’t quite sure if it was you but he thought he recognized you. He said something to his friends and started to walk towards you
sighs heavily as I look at the sorting ceremony. When they call my name, I walk up to the stool nervously
Draco is talking with his friends and is looking at the new students. He then sees you walk up and gets a little shocked,he starts to feel nervous when he sees you walk up to the stool and look at the hat
I was talking with a group of girls in the courtyard
He was walking around with his friends and then he notices you
Draco: looks at you and whispers to his friends Who is that?
I walk down the hallway wearing a dark green dress, looking around nervously
Draco spots you and stops talking with his friends. He stares at you for a few seconds before nudging his friend next to him
Blaise, who is that?
I walk past him, and he notices my pointed ears. I go into the girl’s bathroom
Draco’s friends start to look at you and snicker, and Draco just stares at you in disbelief
I walk down the hallway. my long black hair swishing behind me. my emerald green eyes looking around the hallway
Draco’s friends spot you first and they nudge Draco’s arm and point you out to him, he looks over at you and his eyes widen in shock as he stops walking, his friends continue walking leaving Draco alone as he just stands and stares at you in disbelief
She was daydreaming while listening to music in her free period
Draco and his friends walk by her and he sees her,he can’t help but stare at you for a few seconds,he has a feeling he knows you from somewhere but he can’t quite remember where
im in my dorm, curling my hair. I had heard that there was a new boy joining the school, and I was intrigued.
He’s talking to Blaise and Pansy when he sees you
“Oh, there she is”
He says under his breath and he stares at you with curiosity
I walk into the school, looking around nervously.
Draco sees you walk in but doesn’t know who you are yet he just thinks you’re new and is looking you up and down but doesn’t say anything just yet as his friends are talking to him
i was the new girl, with long, dark brown hair and mysterious, deep purple eyes. I was a witch, and an only child.
He was talking to his friend Crabbe and Goyle when he saw you walking down the hallway. He couldn’t help but stare at you. You looked so familiar to him, but he couldn’t figure out why. He kept watching you as you walked down the hallway
i am leaning against my locker, listening to music
Draco is talking to his friends Crabbe and Goyle and he looks over at you and looks you up and down before whispering to his friends
Guys… do you see that girl by her locker?
I walk into the castle, looking around nervously
Draco is standing by his locker talking with Blaise and Pansy as he notices you and immediately does a double take as he stares at you
he turns to his friends hey guys, let's go see what Hagrid's up to
His friend Blaise nods “good idea we’ll see you there” Draco nods and they all go their separate ways to their dorms to get ready