draco walks into the hall with his gang and goes to sit at the table but not before giving you a cheeky little sexy wink
I blush as I try to keep myself composed
Draco smiles, seeing your reaction to his wink. He takes a seat at the Slytherin table and begins chatting with his friends, occasionally glancing over at you and giving you a small smile
Draco smiles to himself when he notices you blushing and looks away, he knows he still has that effect on you
blushes softly as I continue eating breakfast
Draco sits at the table and keeps an eye on you to see if you noticed his wink and when you do blush he smiles and continues to eat his breakfast
blushes deeply and looks down trying to hide my face
Draco smiles to himself as he sees you blushing before he takes his seat at the table and looks over at you
blushes softly and looks down trying to hide my face
Draco chuckles to himself as he sees you blush from the wink he gave you. He whispers something to Crabbe who looks over at you and smirks. Crabbe whispers something back to Draco who smirks widely.
blushes and looks down at my food
draco and his gang sat down at the table, Draco looking over at you every now and then, and each time he does he smiles, it's clear he's enjoying teasing you
blushes deeply as i look down at my food and drink trying to calm myself down
draco chuckles to himself and turns back to his friends as they begin talking, but he can't stop himself from glancing over at you every now and then
blushes heavily and looks down at my food
Draco and his gang sit down at the table and Draco glances over at you every now and then and smiles to himself seeing how much you blushed just from a simple wink
draco laughs to himself as he sits down and turns to his friends and begins chatting with them while sneaking glances at you every now and then
blushes and looks down at my food
Draco and his gang sit down at the table, he looks over at you and smirks as he sees you blushing
blushes heavily, looking down at my food to hide my flushed cheeks
draco smirks to himself and sits down with his friends, occasionally glancing over at you and smiling
blushes softly and looks away, trying to hide my smile
draco smiles at your reaction and walks over to you and sits next to you
"morning love" he says with a smirk