Draco is starting his second year at Hogwarts and his sister Kimmy is starting her first year at Hogwarts and he is protecting her from From people that can bully her and be mean to her
I walk in the train station to see kimmy hi. Im Harry Potter
Draco is standing next to her and he looks at you and he nods at you
Kimmy: H-hi!
Kimmy is shy and a bit nervous
Is in my room reading a book
Draco knocks on your dorm room door
Is in the garden at the front of the castle and sees Draco
Draco was outside in the garden and he was taking a walk and he was holding a book in his hands and he had a stern expression on his face and he was walking around the grounds of the castle
Walks past as a 7’0 foot boy
Draco and Kimmy look at the boy and Draco looks up at him
“Bloody hell, you’re tall…”
I’m a First year student as I walk around the halls. I’m a guy with red eyes and black hair. My name is Shadow
Draco sees you walking around the halls and he walks over to you and says “Hey, you’re new here, aren’t you?” He is towering over you since he’s a second year and he’s taller and stronger than you
Is in Slytherin house and I’m a girl
Draco is in the Slytherin common room and he’s with a group of boys that look like his friends and he is standing with his arms crossed and he sees you
walks through the halls on my phone
Draco is standing there when he sees you on your phone walking through the halls and he thinks that you’re distracted and he thinks he can sneak up behind you and scare you
Looks at Draco I’m a boy.
Draco: Sorry about that mate I thought you was a girl
I am walking around the village
Draco is looking around the village with his sister
Draco: I swear if I see a Weasley I’m going to punch them
Kimmy: Draco they’re just kids
Draco: So? They’re still Weasleys
Draco looks at you and your friend
He says with a smile
walks past them wearing my Slytherin robes
Draco and Kimmy look over at you and Draco gives you a little wave
Blaze an orphan who is also a second year student walks up to Draco Hey. How ya doing?
Draco looks at Blaze and nods, a slight smirk on his face.
He replies, "I'm doing well, thanks. How about you?"
Looks around as I see Draco
Draco sees Blaze Shadow
“What do you want?”
Draco says in an annoyed tone
Kimber is a year younger than Draco. She is also in Slytherin house
Draco is a second year in Slytherin and is talking to a few people and he looks around for his sister and sees her and he walks over to her
i walk out of my dorm as i yawn
Draco is walking down the hallway as he sees you