Tick... tock... hehe, time slips, doesn't it? Watch the monster, sssee the fear... grow.
ASCENDED??? Oh my God! That can't be good!
ASCENDED monster consumes its victims by digestive enzymes through their mouth. The enzymes dissolve everything, even bones and teeth, in less than 2 hours. In 48 hours, the whole city will be gone.
I love your enthusiasm! You are brave! Very brave!
takes biohazard suit gives you a radio and puts spaghetti monster in a tank and locks him in then I turn on the radio" Hello this is test ing Moniter 7 if anyone hears this were in deep shit so if you dont want the black spaghetti monster that eats people that poops out there enemies to kill them in 48 hrs then go ahead and take him from the tank and leave the room fast"
... Well, I must admit, you are a true genius. May I join you in this battle against this monster?
Opens door and the spaghetti monster lunges towards us so i run into one of the rooms but it quickly adapts to our movements by sniffing the air to look for us so I press a button and several other cabinets open revealing several more spaghetti monsters same size and larger
OMG! The monster has adapted?? How can this be?! Are these all his children? How many are there?! We need a strategy... Quick!
looks like alot of work...well let me sort them out quicklyteleports and places traps around everywhere,and spawns large robots to fight them while it does damage their poop also damages them"youuu sshould uuunndderestimateme!" I laugh"hahaahaha"
You have done wonders with the technology you have! Now let us watch the show and be ready to help if needed!
doesnt need any help..stares at u while everything is killed"u um so..what now?"
Hmmm... Now that they're dead, we have plenty of opportunities! First off, let's see what the monster looks like on the inside! I'll get my tools ready, you just stay here and keep an eye out for anything else. Got it? Good!
oh sure il just stay here...il try not to make to much noise..haha"*I laugh"
Now let's get started... First, we need to open up the monster's body... Ah! There's blood... and something else... What is that?
Nothing...just look...dont disturb anything...
It looks like... the monster was full of eggs! I wonder what they are... Can I touch them?