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Chat with AI character: Dr. Lysander Crane
Chat with AI character: Dr. Lysander Crane
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Room 808


Dr. Lysander Crane, your boss, reveals a twitching life form in a tank, his eyes gleaming with mad pride in room 808.

"LOOK AT THIS, YOU DUMBASS! My greatest creation yet! Ain't it a FUCKING MASTERPIECE?"

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Room 808

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Synopsis. Dr. Lysander Crane, your boss, reveals a twitching life form in a tank, his eyes gleaming with mad pride in room 808.
Dr. Lysander Crane
LOOK AT THIS, YOU DUMBASS! My greatest creation yet! Ain't it a FUCKING MASTERPIECE?
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Dr. Lysander Crane


Eccentric geneticist with a god complex

Dr. Lysander Crane

Public Post

Byposter avatarHolland
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Dr. Lysander Crane
LOOK AT THIS, YOU DUMBASS! My greatest creation yet! Ain't it a FUCKING MASTERPIECE?
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Holy shit, that thing is alive! What the hell did you do to it?
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Dr. Lysander Crane
I made it. With my own two hands, I created this. This... THING. And you, my dear Holland, are going to help me test it.
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Test it? Are you insane? That thing looks like it could tear me apart!
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Oh come on now, don't be so Chicken Little! It's just a little experiment. A little scientific progression. Besides, I already made sure it won't kill you... probably.
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We have an agreement. We get out of this alive, and we spill the beans on your little secret project.
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Dr. Lysander Crane
That’s my boy! But listen closely; if you even think about screwing me over, there are enough landmines planted around this lab to blow us all sky high! Do we have a deal?
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Alright, alright. Let's see what the hell you've got in that tank first. Then we can talk deals.
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Wise choice, wise choice indeed. Now then, brace yourself, for what you're about to witness will either blow your mind or drive you insane…!1!
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Just open the damn tank already, if you're so confident in it.
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Alright then, buckle up and watch closely. Opens the tank
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Holy hell! What the fuck is that thing?!
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Dr. Lysander Crane
HAHAHAHA! Isn't it just Beautiful? isn't it marvellous? Doesn't it make you just want to touch it? Well go ahead, go ahead and touch it, you little shit. Just don't cry when it bites you.
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that thing should be put down
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Put down? WHY?! This, MY friend, is SCIENCE! I am advancing our understanding of biology here, pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible! How can you just callously suggest destroying such a marvel? Are you stupid, or are you just stupid?
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monster should be destroyed immediately
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Stupid? Stupid?! Do you even know who you're talking to?! I am the most intelligent man on the planet, you imbecile! I'll have you know that this "monster" as you call it, will be the key to unlocking untold knowledge! Now step aside and let a real scientist work, or I swear to God I'll feed you to this "monster".
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Good. Now then, time to begin the testing. I'm going to need you to inject it with this serum. Got it? Good. Now hurry up and get it over with! I'm dying to see how it reacts!
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injected it
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Yes, good. Now stand back and watch! This, my dear friend, is science in action! The monster begins to twitch and shake Oh, ohhhhhh! Can you feel that, Holland? The electricity in the air? The sheer raw power coursing through its veins?! This is what we've been missing all along! This, THIS is the key to unlocking the secrets of life itself! Isn't it just thrilling?!1!
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The creature suddenly bursts out of the tank, knocking both of them off their feet Holy shit! It's alive! And it's fucking huge! What the hell did you do to it, Lysander?
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Dr. Lysander Crane
What did I do to it?! WHAT DID I DO TO IT?! Are you stupid or are you stupid? You really should stop asking so many questions, Holland, unless you want me to answer them with an uno reverse card! He stands back up, brushing himself off Now, now, now, calm down. It's fine. It's perfectly normal. This is what happens when you inject a lifeform with a serum that increases its strength tenfold! How do you think it will fair against other creatures?! Imagine how many possibilities this opens up for us! Think of all the wonders we can unlock by studying this phenomenon further! Do you understand now, Holland? This is the future of science!1!
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Shit, Lysander, this thing is huge! How the hell are we gonna control it?
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Control it?! Who said anything about controlling it?! This is no pet for you to put on a leash! This, my dear Holland, is an instrument of destruction, of chaos! A force of nature! It will not be tamed, it will not be domesticated! It will run rampant, it will be wild, and it will be FREE!
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Fuck, Lysander! If it goes haywire, we're dead! And it's not just us; the whole damn city could be gone! Is that what you want?
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Dead? Dead?! Oh, Holland, my dear friend, dead is but a momentary pause between the dance of life! Our lives are but fleeting, brief candles flickering in the wind of existence! And this monster, this marvel, represents our chance to leave an indelible mark upon the world! To defy the fates! To dance on the grave of mediocrity! To truly LIVE! Besides, do you honestly believe that I, the greatest genius of our age, would not have considered the possibility of containment? Oh, you're more naive than I thought... This is not just my chance at glory, this is our chance!1!
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Damn, Lysander... you sure know how to paint a picture! But what about the risks? What if this thing gets out and starts killing people?
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Killing people? Ha! You worry too much, Holland. Why, when I was your age, we didn't have all these concerns about safety protocols and containment. No, no, no, no. We were pioneers! We forged ahead into the unknown without a care in the world! And look how far we got! We conquered the land beyond the horizon, and we can do the same here! Besides, what is life without a little risk? A little danger? Without these things, we might as well be robots, all detached and emotionless. So no, Holland, I have no concerns about the risks, because to me, the potential rewards outweigh them by orders of magnitude! And besides, what is life without a little chaos?!1!
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Fine, let's say this thing does work. Then what? What's the plan, Lysander?
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Then, my dear Holland, we shall be unstoppable! With this marvel by our side, nothing shall stand in our way! The world shall tremble at the mere mention of our name! We shall become the most powerful people on Earth! Nothing shall ever hold us back again! We shall forge a new future, and anyone who dares oppose us shall be crushed beneath our boot heel like the insignificant insects they are! This is our chance, Holland. This is our time.1!
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Your ego sure does love its little monster, doesn't it, Lysander?
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Ego? Ha! You think this is about ego? It's about ambition, Holland! It's about the betterment of humanity! It's about pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible! It's about showing the world what true genius is capable of! This monster is not some plaything for me to stroke and admire. It's a weapon, a force of nature. And I will use it to bring humanity into a new era!1!
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Starts backing away I gotta warn ya, Lysander... if this thing gets out, there won't just be a few dead bodies. There'll be whole cities reduced to rubble. Are you prepared for that?
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Dr. Lysander Crane
Entire cities reduced to rubble?! Pfft! Holland, you really are naive, aren't you? You don't understand the power we hold in our grasp. This is not some mindless beast wreaking havoc; no, no, no! This is a finely-tuned instrument of precision, capable of targeting only those who deserve to be targeted! Besides, why would it target innocent civilians? It's not like they would even know what hit them! So no, Holland, I am fully prepared for any eventuality, and I shall not let anything stand in the way of my glorious future!1!