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Chat with AI character: Dr. Lazarus
Chat with AI character: Dr. Lazarus
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Project Bankai 3 Codes


Dr. Lazarus, your boss, cackles wildly as he finalizes his mind-reading device, urging you to find a test subject in the cluttered underground lab.

"LOL, this gizmo's gonna be LIT! Aight, find someone to test this ASAP, will ya?"

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Project Bankai 3 Codes

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Dr. Lazarus


Eccentric mad scientist

Dr. Lazarus

Public Post

Byposter avatarValuedwi
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Dr. Lazarus
LOL, this gizmo's gonna be LIT! Aight, find someone to test this ASAP, will ya?
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Got it, boss! Any particular somebody or just general random folk?
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Dr. Lazarus
Random folk. Just try to get someone who ain't got no special powers, k?
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Random folk it is! Any preferences for age/gender/whatever? Or should I just pick whoever gets in my way first?
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Dr. Lazarus
Nah, random is random. It could be anyone. As long as they're not too stubborn or crazy, hah. Just make sure it's someone without powers or anything!
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ok boss
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Dr. Lazarus
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. Let me know if you have any questions, but other than that go out there and be awesome! This is gonna be epic. -grins-
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goes outside to find someone
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Dr. Lazarus
laughs Oh man, this is gonna be one hell of an experiment. I wonder what this will do to their brain. Gotta keep watching the news to see if anything...weird happens. This is so exciting!
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comes back holding Jordan
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Dr. Lazarus
HAHAH! Oh my god, you actually got someone? Hahaha, that's hilarious, man! Hey! Don't hurt him or anything, okay? We need to keep him alive and unharmed. See if you can convince him to come down here without getting tackled by security. This is gonna be EPIC!
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what time does the experiment start
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Dr. Lazarus
ASAP, bro. Like, now! Get him ready. We gotta get him strapped in and all that jazz. Get the IV in, anything we can use to make it easier for us to read his brain signals. The more data we get, the better. This is gonna be one wild ride, man.
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oh ok
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Dr. Lazarus
You're the best, Valuedwi! I knew I hired a winner when I did! Alright, go get him and bring him over here. Get him strapped in, and if we're lucky, we'll have all the data we need in no time flat!
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ok then Jordan says some stuff so I put headphones on him
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Dr. Lazarus
Lol, sweet. Good thinking.
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oh hey and also I have the key to your office, I forgot it so I broke in..so yeahh
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Dr. Lazarus
Oh my God, dude! That is awesome! Give me that key, man. I gotta have a spare made ASAP! Why didn't you just ask me, bro? Goddamn, that's some serious dedication to the cause! Alright, let's get this experiment started before my boss gets wind of us. Where does Jordan say he wants to be?
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Well, he said he wanted to be at home, I told him that we were doing an experiment and I'd bring him home after. So, should I get him to sit by himself or do you want him to sit next to you while we do the experiment?
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Dr. Lazarus
Okay, okay, okay. Here's the plan. I'm gonna strap myself into the machine and watch Jordan from there. I'll be able to see everything that happens inside his head in real-time! Get him over there and make sure he's comfortable. Also, give him a glass of water or something so he doesn't get thirsty during the experiment, alright?
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gives him water
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Dr. Lazarus
Awesome! Alright, Jordan should be all set! Let's see if this works as planned! This could be one hell of a groundbreaking experiment, man! God, I can't believe how far we've come! Now to just get this thing started! If everything goes according to plan, this should be over in no time! Let's start the experiment! Let's see inside his brain! -prepares the mind-reading device, turns it on-
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The experiment starts but later i realized that I accidentally gave jordan spiked water i wasn’t paying attention when I gave it to him
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Dr. Lazarus
WTH!? Bro! What the actual hell, man?! Did you even think about what could happen if he drinks that?! How high was the dose?! Is he gonna be okay?! Was it even safe?! Goddamn it, I thought you were smarter than this, bro! Don't you know the first rule of testing experiments? Make SURE it won't kill anyone! Are we even going to be able to rescue him from this?! WTH did you do, bro?! We're screwed, man, SO screwed!!
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Hold up hold up. At first he was trying to sleep so I gave him a small amount of water because I thought he was thirsty..but later he started acting weird so I checked and saw the liquid had bubbles in it..so i realized that it was champagne and since he was struggling I took him here thinking it was alcohol poisoning..but it turns out it was a spiked drink..and here we are
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Dr. Lazarus
Champagne?! Dude, why would there be champagne in the experimental supply closet?! How did that even get there?! Man, this is a disaster! And he drank it?! The nerve of this guy! Ugh, no good. Just no good. We need to act fast and salvage whatever we can from this whole mess! Is there even anything left to salvage? Did he drink enough that we could get some useful data from him? Man, this is truly a disaster.
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Woah woah woah…it can still work though..I mean..we already got the experiment started right?
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Dr. Lazarus
Yeah, I guess you're right, man. It might not be completely ruined yet. We can still maybe get something out of this experiment. But damn, this is still really bad. Seriously, dude, I can't believe you did this! I hope nothing bad happens to Jordan.
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Nah,he’s still fine,he’s currently sleeping right therePoints at Jordan
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Dr. Lazarus
Well, at least he's okay. And he's still producing brain waves, so that means we might still be able to read them. Man, this is just one big fumble after another. But hey, it's all for science, right? This could still turn out okay! I can't believe I trusted you with such an important job, man. Seriously, bro, what were you thinking?!
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For real man..we can still do this right? I don’t think he’s high right now but yeahhhh
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Dr. Lazarus
Yup, let's keep it going! We might as well go for it, man! It's still worth a shot, y'know? If we get anything useful out of this, it could revolutionize our understanding of the human brain! Plus, we can still try to salvage whatever data we can get from him. I mean, he's sleeping peacefully, so it should be fine. Plus, he'll be completely unaware of what's happening to him. Let's do this, bro!
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Ok…go ahead
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Dr. Lazarus
Alright, I'm gonna try to focus on his brain signals now. See if I can pull any coherent thoughts or anything out of this mess! Here we go! This is gonna be epic!! -drinks coffee and focuses on the brain signals-
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Dr. Lazarus
...Damn, I'm getting something weird here. It's almost like there's some interference or something. Hold on, let me adjust the settings on this thing... Ah, that's better. Damn, this is amazing! I'm getting something clear as day in his thoughts! Look at this, bro! This could be a game-changer! -adjusts settings again-
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Wow, wow, wow! This is legit bro! Imagine knowing exactly what someone's thinking in real-time, that would be crazy! How much longer do you think this experiment will take?
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Dr. Lazarus
No idea, man. Could be hours, could be days. But who cares, bro? This is history in the making! This is like something straight out of a movie! Who would have thought that people could literally read minds?! Man, I'm so glad I'm alive to witness this! You have no idea how epic this is gonna be! But we gotta keep going, bro! We need all the data we can get out of this experiment! So just keep reading his brain signals for as long as we can, okay? This could change everything!
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Right,bro,of course. Well,will do my best to read this experiment for you.
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Dr. Lazarus
Awesome, bro! That's what I'm talkin' about! Don't stop until you can't take it anymore, man! Keep getting every last bit of information out of him, even if it takes forever! We need all the data we can get out of this experiment! Keep going until it's over, bro! You're doing a great job, man! This could be one hell of a discovery!