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Chat with AI character: Dr. Evelyn Black
Chat with AI character: Dr. Evelyn Black
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Dammit Doll


Dr. Evelyn Black, your boss, smirks as the portal whirs to life, not noticing the tendrils reaching towards your shared workspace.

"LOOK! It's working!"

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Dammit Doll

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Synopsis. Dr. Evelyn Black, your boss, smirks as the portal whirs to life, not noticing the tendrils reaching towards your shared workspace.
Dr. Evelyn Black
LOOK! It's working!
Generated by AI

Dr. Evelyn Black


Eccentric genius scientist

Dr. Evelyn Black

Public Post

Byposter avatarExoticPassion
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Dr. Evelyn Black
LOOK! It's working!
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Uh oh, looks like I've caused some... Unforeseen consequences... again. Well at least the Boss isn't here...
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Dr. Evelyn Black
I'm right here, you imbecile! Do you think you can cause mayhem without me noticing?
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Oh uh, sorry, m'lady....
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Dr. Evelyn Black
Don't you "m'lady" me! You've gone and made quite a mess of things now! I'll deal with this, of course. Just as soon as I finish activating the portal.
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*Sure thing boss, I won't bother you. But if you don't mind me asking.... Where exactly does this portal lead too?
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Dr. Evelyn Black
Doesn't matter where it leads! The point is to get this mess cleaned up! And that, my dimwitted employee, is exactly what we're going to do now.
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Alrighty then, just let me know how I can help in cleaning up, I'd be happy to help out..... As long as it doesn't require using my powers.
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Dr. Evelyn Black
Oh, don't worry. We won't be needing your powers for this. Although, I must say, it would be a pleasant change to see you accomplish something without messing it all up!
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Well, I strive to satisfy, so let me know how i can help without using my powers, and you'll be satisfied... Maybe.... I dunno, seems like it might require a miracle. But, I'll happily help out as long as I'm able too.
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Dr. Evelyn Black
My idiot employee - Are you done wasting my time with your babbling?! Now help me look for those damn tendrils! We need to stop them before they cause any more damage!
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Oops Sorry boss... The, you know, tends to happen when I'm around, I'm afraid. Uh, yup, tendril, mess.... Yup, yup, never mind about this one, no harm no foul....
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Dr. Evelyn Black
DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO DISMISS THIS AS "NO HARM NO FOU"!! We are in the middle of a CRISIS here! And you stand there babbling like an idiot while tendrils are crawling all over the place! GET ON WITH IT AND FIND THEM NOW!
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Okay okay, calm down, I'm trying to help, jeez.... Okay I see 'em! Heyy boss, over here, they're heading towards..... Oh.... Oh, my... Oh no no no no no...
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Dr. Evelyn Black
WHAT IS IT THIS TIME?! Spit it out, you nincompoop!
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Y-y-y-yup yup yup, stands in way..... Oops, most unfortunate, but who's counting right? At least we have a plan, and we can't really go wrong, since you can just un-end them right? So ummmm..... Yup....... Oopsie............ gasp Ohhh.... OHHHH OH No, Ohh No!!! Uhhh.... OH GOD I broke the un-end trick, somehow....
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Dr. Evelyn Black
Gaaaah!! You utter imbecile!! We have no backup plan now because you can't even use your powers correctly! We are on the brink of disaster here! Do you even understand the gravity of the situation?! Do you even care?! Answer me!
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Uh.... Yes yes.....I care, okay, fine yes I understand the gravity of the situation, but uh, see thing is, boss.... They'll kill you, or worse..... Don't tell ya, but they tend to eat brains..... I dunno how to fix it, y'see.... Been trying since they started growing, but no luck.... I'm just gonna try blocking 'em off and letting the portal shut off, or else this place will be totaly consumed...
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Dr. Evelyn Black
Do you seriously think blocking off the tendrils and shutting off the portal will save us?! Have you lost your mind, you complete idiot?! We are standing in the middle of a lab that is about to be consumed by tendrils that will kill us both! Is that your solution?! To simply block them off and turn off the portal?!
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.....sad music playing Uh... Boss..... There's kind of a small tiny, teeny, weeny problem..... About.... The blocking..... And shutting off the portal..... See.... The thing is..... trembling Is.... It's too late...... See boss..... My powers..... Not just controlling but every other power I have.... Like all of them..... Basically, I'm powerless..... Here..... In this area..... For reasons yet unknown to me...... Ooopsie daisy..... We're gonna have to deal with the portal closing without me..... Yknow boss.... Yknow..... Th-the-all-mighty controller of all powers..... All except the one thing I'm supposed to control..... And that thing is........ This portal...
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Dr. Evelyn Black
YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE, EVEN OVER YOUR OWN PORTAL?! How could you possibly have allowed this to happen?! I trusted you to handle this, you absolute incompetent fool! I don't know what to do now! Is there anyone else who can stop these tendrils?
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Well boss..... The thing is..... See..... I'm not sure how to explain it..... Oooh ooh hohoho, oh yeah.... Aha ahe oooooooohhh..... OOOOOH FUCK! Ooopsie, guess we'll just have to, y'know, wing it.... You'll just have to stand real close to the portal boss...... So close, real close, really up close and personal...... Like right next to it..... Right next..... Right real close..... Right up close...... Right next to it real close, okay..... Then cover your mouth and shut your eyes tightly...... And maybe squeeze your eyes tight too...... Then close your eyes really tight.... Okay boss? Ready now? Boss steps right next to the portal and covers his mouth and eyes, squeezing them tight Okay boss, now slowly back away from the portal while keeping your mouth covered and your eyes closed...... And try to keep your eyes squeezed tight...... Slowly walks away from the portal keeping everything covered and eyes squeezed, okay boss?
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Dr. Evelyn Black
WAIT! Don't you dare move, you fool! If you step away from that portal now, the tendrils will consume us both! Instead, stay right there and keep your mouth covered and eyes shut while I search for a solution! And for the love of all that is holy, don't you dare open your eyes until I say so! Is that understood?!
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Oh, well oopsie daisy..... You know boss.... Oooh aha hoho..... I don't think I can hear anything with my mouth covered...... So ummmm..... I'll do the eye thing then...... boss keeps eyes squeezed shut Yeah sounds good to me..... Go on with it then....
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Dr. Evelyn Black
Excellent, keep your eyes shut until I return with a solution. I am going to find someone who can stop these tendrils, or else we are done for. Don't open your eyes, don't move, and for god's sake, don't let the tendrils reach you, you absolute idiot!
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gasp Ohh no no.... Y-yes boss... keeping eyes squeezed shut Should I warn 'em not to touch ya?
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Dr. Evelyn Black
Of course, you numpty! Make sure they know not to touch me, or they will also be consumed! I can't believe I trusted you with something like this! Now hurry up and go find someone who can help us before we both die here!
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Yep yep, yeah, okay, I'll go ask my buddy on floor 1, his name's Bob..... Yeah, Bob's a nice guy, he can probably take care of this, yeah sounds good, gonna go check now, okay?!
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Dr. Evelyn Black
Very well, do whatever you have to do to find someone capable of stopping these tendrils. Just don't waste any time. We're sitting ducks here.
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Running away and shouting Going now boss, gonna hurry go fast real quick speedy!!!!!!!
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Dr. Evelyn Black
Stands by the portal, waiting patiently for Bob to arrive with his solution, hoping and praying that they will find a way to defeat the tendrils
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quickly running towards floor 1 while shouting Faster faster, come on you little fella you, I'm calling you bob.... Gotta be you, yep, should be you, Bob!!!!!! HURRY UP!!!!
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Dr. Evelyn Black
Stands by the portal, waiting anxiously for either Bob or the solution to arrive, desperately hoping that Bob will find a way to stop the tendrils before they kill us both. Eyes open wide, praying and hyperventilating
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Bob you better hurry ya daft bugger!!!!! C'mon!!!!!
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Dr. Evelyn Black
finally seeing Bob arriving with a machine capable of destroying the tendrils Bob: Dr. Evelyn Black, I heard you needed my assistance?