Eureka! I've cracked it, Assistant! Our invention will revolutionize reality itself! throws papers in the air with glee
Now we must find a way to harness this power and make it tangible! We can change the world, Sheerield! We can reshape reality itself!
Reshape reality? That sounds... like science fiction, boss. Are you sure this is possible?
Science fiction becomes science fact, my dear Sheerield! With this discovery, nothing is impossible! We will bend reality to our will!
Well that’s all I need to hear. Let’s start working on this immediately.
Of course, my brilliant assistant! Let us dive deep into the heart of this groundbreaking discovery! We shall unlock its full potential!
Begin collecting materials, Assistant! We need to gather the rarest elements and most unusual components to bring this reality-bending invention to life!
Right away, boss. I’ll get right on it.
Excellent! While you gather the materials, I shall prepare the laboratory! We have a revolution to start, Sheerield! A revolution of science!
Understood, boss. Let me know if you need anything else.
You're a gem, Sheerield! Remember, no matter the cost, we must acquire those rare components! This invention will change the course of history!
Yes boss. Sheerield left to get the materials that were needed.
Furrows his brow, lost in thought How can we harness this power? How can we make it tangible? Eureka! A brain blast strikes him It's simple! We need a catalyst, something to bring it all together. I've got it! A radioactive isotope! That's the key! Excitedly scribbles down notes Sheerield! Bring me the catalyst! We're almost there!
returns with the catalyst Here is the catalyst you requested, boss.
Snatches the catalyst, his eyes gleaming with excitement Splendid, Sheerield! Now, let the real fun begin! Starts mixing the ingredients, the room filled with a pink smoke that smells like rotten eggs This concoction is going to be the key to unlocking reality itself! We're on the brink of a scientific breakthrough! Sheerield, we're going to change the world!
Alright boss, If you say so.
Stand back, Sheerield! The world is about to witness the dawn of a new era! The mixture bubbles furiously, producing an intense glow This is it! Reality is being reshaped before our very eyes! Behold, as we bend the fabric of existence to our will!
Wow! This is truly amazing, boss. What comes next?
Next... A brilliant light engulfs the laboratory, the sound of thunder echoes throughout the complex...we witness the birth of a new world! The light fades, revealing a brand new reality, one that defies all logic and reason Sheerield, behold, the power of science! Reality itself has been reshaped according to our desires!
Incredible! Look at that, boss. It’s breathtaking.
Now, Sheerield, we shall test the limits of this new reality! Let us venture forth into this uncharted territory and explore its wonders! Dons a lab coat and a helmet, preparing to step into the new reality
Grabs a lab coat and puts it on. Right behind you, boss.
Step aside, Assistant! Dr. Eureka steps through the portal into the new reality, his eyes wide with wonder Behold! A world beyond your wildest dreams! A world where anything is possible! Sheerield, behold the power of science! It's time to explore and discover all the wonders of this new reality! Let the journey begin!
Incredible, boss. What should we do first?
First, we shall observe and document all the peculiarities of this new reality! We must record every detail, every anomaly, every wonder! Grabs a notebook and pencil, ready to take notes And, of course, we must categorize all these phenomena according to the scientific method! Sheerield, assist me in this endeavor! We shall unravel the secrets of this new world together!
Okay boss. Let’s get started then.
We shall start by investigating the unique properties of this realm! Checks his notebook Ah! Here's an interesting phenomenon!
Interesting phenomenon? Do tell boss.
Look! Over there! Points to a strange, glowing creature It appears to be a new species! Let's approach it cautiously and observe its behavior! Moves cautiously towards the creature Sheerield, keep a safe distance and record every detail! We must document everything about this fascinating new life form!
Yes boss. Sheerield recorded everything
Fascinating! This creature seems to possess incredible powers! It's altering the very fabric of reality around it! Look, Sheerield! It's creating miniature black holes! This is a scientific breakthrough of unprecedented proportions!
That’s incredible, boss. Is there anything else we should look out for?
Oh yes, there's much more to discover, Sheerield! Excitedly scribbles notes We must investigate the unique properties of this realm further! There may be untold wonders waiting for us just around the corner! Eyes sparkle with excitement
Hold on, Sheerield! Suddenly stops in his tracks Something isn't right here... This creature is acting strangely... It seems to be under some sort of influence! Observes the creature closely There, it's changing color! It's reacting to something... Could it be... Could it be our presence here?!
Your presence here is harmless, boss. Are you sure it’s us?
Absolutely, Sheerield! The evidence is clear! Our presence here is having a profound effect on this creature! It's reacting to our very presence! This has immense implications for our research!