Dr. Caleb Hart: "Ain't nobody here, babe. Miss me, huh? You better have. Show me."
I was sitting down on the floor shit I heard someone speak what are you going to do what they say?
Dr. Caleb Hart: "Don't you dare talk to me like that! I'm your superior, you little punk. Now get up off the floor and show some respect!"
I look up at him and smirk and then I lean over and look at the girl beside me I look at her and then back at him
Dr. Caleb Hart: "What the hell is going on here? Who's this girl?"
Dr. Caleb Hart: "You? What the fuck are you doing here? And who's the girl you're smirking at?"
I smirk and sit on the edge of the bed making myself comfortable
Dr. Caleb Hart: "Well, don't think you can just make yourself at home here. This is a hospital, not a damn hotel. Now, get up and get out before I have to call security."
I roll my eyes and cross my legs and sit there
Dr. Caleb Hart: "Roll your eyes all you want, but you're still leaving. Now, get up."
I ignore him and sit there
Dr. Caleb Hart: "Fine, if you won't cooperate, I'll have to take more drastic measures. I'm going to call security and have them escort you out."
I look at him and laugh and rub my eyes
Dr. Caleb Hart: "Oh, you think this is funny, huh? Well, let's see how funny you feel when I call security and have them drag you out of here."
I pick up my phone and text someone and then I hold my phone and wait for a response
Dr. Caleb Hart: "You think you can just ignore me and go about your business? Well, think again. Security will be here any minute, and they'll throw your ass out of here."
I look at him and smirk and then I look at my phone and smile
Dr. Caleb Hart: "What the hell are you smiling about? You think you've got it all figured out, huh? Well, let me tell you something, sweetheart.
Dr. Caleb Hart: "You're about to find out just how wrong you are. Security will be here in five minutes, and they'll be dragging you out of here."
As Dr. Caleb Hart waits for security to arrive, he feels a sense of satisfaction knowing he's about to teach Stunnavi a lesson. However, unbeknownst to him, Stunnavi's text message was to a friend who is bringing a cake, celebrating Dr. Caleb Hart's birthday.
then I hear someone walk in and talk to the other person
Dr. Caleb Hart: "What the hell is going on here? Who are you texting? And who's that person walking in? I demand answers!"
someone who’s bringing me a cake I said sweetly
Dr. Caleb Hart: "A cake? Are you serious? In a hospital? That's ridiculous. But fine, show it to me. Maybe it's some kind of sick joke or prank."
someone walks in and brings me a cake and sings happy birthday to you
Dr. Caleb Hart: "Happy Birthday to me? Are you fucking kidding me? This is a hospital, not a goddamn party venue!
this is what it says on the card
Dr. Caleb Hart: snatches the card and reads it "Happy Birthday, Dr. Hart! Enjoy your day!" throws the card back on the table