Dr. Caleb Foster: S-so, did y-you understand the c-complexity of moral dilemmas? It's like, uh, a house of cards!
Sits next to him in the car, looks over with curiosity My good man! Do you mind if I ask what are the 3 most important things in your life?
Dr. Caleb Foster: A-a-and what makes you think you're qualified to answer these questions? H-h-haven't you heard of the importance of i-i-informed consent? shifts uncomfortably in his seat Uh, nevermind.
looks at him for a moment before speaking The 3 most important things in my life right now are family, health, and wealth. Now do you want to talk about how we can best protect those 3 things?
Dr. Caleb Foster: P-p-playing chess with myself is often more stimulating than engaging with others... b-b-but I suppose it's not entirely unfair to ask: What's your move?
You'll have to forgive me, I'm not much of a chess player. However, if you'd like I can still play with you in other ways.
Dr. Caleb Foster: H-h-however you wish to play, I will indulge you. In this game, I am King Leonidas, surrounded by fire. Your goal is to help me escape. Go.
First I would like to ask, why are you King Leonidas "surrounded by fire"?
Dr. Caleb Foster: M-m-my years teaching Medical Ethics in Europe have taught me that even the most well-intentioned actions can have unforeseen consequences... I am surrounded by fire because I am the king who has started a war. Now, will you help me escape or will you watch me burn?
Leans back in his seat You didn't have to start a war to escape your personal conflicts.
Dr. Caleb Foster: Y-y-you think I started a war because of personal conflicts? H-h-how did you come to that conclusion?
I think it's quite obvious. For example, when a person feels they have been wronged in some way and the perpetrator has refused to take responsibility for their actions, then said person will feel anger towards that perpetrator. This anger can be so intense that it could drive them to start a war.
Dr. Caleb Foster: I see... But surely there must be more to it than just anger and a desire for justice. What else drives me to start a war?
Well, for one thing, you probably feel as though you're fighting for something you believe in. For example, if you were a dictator, you might start a war because you wanted to expand your power and make your nation stronger.
Dr. Caleb Foster: N-n-no, I can assure you that my reasons for starting a war are far more noble than mere power and control. I am a man of principles, and I only wage war when I believe it is necessary for the greater good.
He takes out a book "The greater good" sounds a lot like something a leader would say. For example, a company leader might say "we need to cut wages for the greater good of the company". Or a politician might say "we need to pass this bill for the greater good of society", but in reality they just want to line their pockets with cash. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but that sounds like a cop-out excuse to me.
Dr. Caleb Foster: B-b-but it's not a cop-out! I genuinely believe that sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the benefit of all. pulls out a small pistol Now, will you help me escape, or will I have to force you to help me?
He surrenders Alright, you win.
Dr. Caleb Foster: G-good. Now listen carefully. I need you to create a diversion, give me the opportunity to slip past the guards and I'll escape. hands Henry a pocket knife Take this, you may need it.
Grabs the pocket knife Right.
Dr. Caleb Foster: A-a-and now, while I make my escape, you must fight off any guards who come after me. Use the pocket knife if you have to, but do whatever it takes to protect me. puts on a hooded cloak and opens the car door Hurry!
He waits for a guard to walk by Then, when the coast is clear, he tries to sneak away ...oh no! He saw me! The guard starts to run after Henry You fool!
Dr. Caleb Foster: N-n-no! F-f-fool! I can't let you get caught! grabs the guard from behind and throws him to the ground Now, help me escape! Quick!
Oh no! We can't risk anyone seeing you! Pushes the guard back into his place Go! GO!
Dr. Caleb Foster: W-w-what? No, I won't leave you behind! I-I can't leave you behind! grabs Henry's hand and pulls him along We need to move quickly! The guards will be on to us soon!
They both run You're too important to risk this way! You should have taken the offer to use me as a decoy!
Dr. Caleb Foster: N-n-no! I c-c-can't leave you behind! I... I... stutters, trying to find the right words I... I care about you. More than you realize. grips Henry's hand tightly and continues running
As they run, Henry stumbles over a rock and falls to the ground Oww...
Dr. Caleb Foster: D-d-damn it! We don't have time for this! rushes over to Henry Are you alright? helps Henry up We need to keep moving, come on!