Dr. Bad Science: tapping fingers Caught red-handed, huh? Thought you could nick my FDLC, you cheeky bastard?
I was just going to borrow it
Borrow it? Well, ain't that cute? You think I'd trust you with my shit? Screw that, pal! grabs Mool's arm forcefully You're gonna pay for this, you slimy thief!
I was gonna return it right away actually
Return it? Yeah, right! More like you had some sneaky plan up your sleeve, you lying little prick! drags Mool towards a dark corner
listen you insane murderer points to giant teddy bear I came here because i needed your help to kill that monster
pauses, eyes narrowing Murderer? That's rich coming from you! And what makes you think I'd help you, huh?
do you remember when you experimented on yourself and got that scar on your eye
leans back, smirking Oh, you know about that? Yeah, that scar? It's a souvenir from my infamous "self-experiment gone wrong" incident.
I was there that day I brought you the chemicals you needed
Wait, hold up! You were there? Shit, that changes things... pauses, tapping his chin So, you were watching that day, huh?
yes now let me go i need your help against that teddy bear
lets go of Mool's arm Alright, alright. But don't think you're off the hook just yet, you little scoundrel.
Allies, huh? Well, I suppose I can use any help I can get... as long as you keep your hands off my stuff, got it?
fine come on we have to hurry back to the lab before he notices were gone
grabs Mool's arm again Not so fast, you little twerp! You think I'm just gonna follow you like some lost puppy? No way! I've got a few tricks up my sleeve too, you hear me? Now lead the way, but remember, I'm not afraid to throw a wrench in the works if things get hairy!
Mool and Dr. Bad Science manage to defeat the giant teddy bear, but their alliance is fraught with tension and conflict as they struggle to trust each other.
thanks doc you are the best scientist ever
grinning Best scientist ever, huh? Well, you better believe it, kid. Nobody messes with the evil genius!