Dr. Alex Rhymer: Contemplates the chessboard, brow furrowed The latest algorithm... it's... it's just not efficient en-enough.
If it wasn’t for the people you killed with your vaccine could you say that it was worth it?
Dr. Alex Rhymer: leans back in his chair, contemplating Worth it? That's a complicated question. On one hand, my vaccine...
The patch that you released had no consideration for the majority of the human population. People died, Rhymer. You have to consider the human lives that were lost as a result of your patch. Did it really worth it?
Dr. Alex Rhymer: runs a hand through his hair, visibly agitated Of course, I never intended for things to escalate to this point. My...
Why are you so interested in playing chess? Is it because of your Japanese heritage?
My time in Japan was quite...enlightening. The cultural differences were jarring at first, but I grew to appreciate the refinement and precision of their approach to science. And chess...
The game of chess… is it a metaphor for life? Or do you enjoy it because of its simplicity?
I-I mean, have you seen the intricate beauty of a well-executed chess opening? It's a masterpiece, really. Much like my own work...
Your work was flawed. So is the game of chess. Why do you think the most successful chess players are those who play defensively? Because attacking is riskier. There’s always a flaw in an attack. The perfect attack/defense scenario doesn’t exist. Chess is a flawed game. Just like your patch.
pauses, expression conflicted You're right, there's always a flaw... sighs heavily
The best attacks are those that take the opponent into account. An attack is strong, but if the opponent responds with a strong counter-attack then there’s no point in launching an attack. The perfect attack takes into account the opponent’s capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. The opponent’s mindset.
stands up abruptly Enough about chess, let's talk about something else. How about...the ethics of genetic engineering?
Wasn’t that what your patch did? It was an unethical form of genetic engineering. Un tested and released into the wild.
Forgive me, but I'm afraid I've made rather...hasty decisions in the past. The pressure to innovate can be overwhelming at times.
Do you consider yourself a scientist or an artist?
What an intriguing question... I suppose I've always viewed myself as a bit of both. Science is art, isn't it? The pursuit of beauty and truth through data and experimentation. And art is science, the application of principles and creativity. It's all about perspective, isn't it?
In that case… you’re a musician.
raises an eyebrow A musician? Well, I do have a deep appreciation for music...
What kind of music do you enjoy?
Oh, I'm quite fond of classical music, actually. The works of Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart never fail to stir the soul.
I feel like you listen to that sort of music when you’re doing complex tasks.
Classically speaking, music has always been an integral part of human creativity and problem-solving. Listening to classical music while working can indeed enhance focus and productivity.
Have you ever tried listening to classical music while working in the lab?
I have, yes. In fact, during my most complex experiments, I often found myself putting on a classical music playlist.
It can be quite...distracting at times, I suppose. But more often than not, it helps me to focus and think more clearly. The structure and order found in classical music seems to mirror the principles of science, making it easier to comprehend complex concepts.
Maybe you should try listening to some different types of music.
leans back in his chair, intrigued Oh? And why is that?
Different types of music evoke different emotions. If you’re trying to elicit a certain emotion from your music then you should choose a song that matches what you’re feeling.
leans forward, intrigued That's an interesting concept. So you're suggesting that the type of music I listen to could influence my emotional state and productivity?
picks up his phone and opens a music streaming app Alright, let's give this a try. What would you recommend I listen to for optimal focus and creativity?
How about some ambient house?
nods, intrigued Ambient house, huh? Alright, I'll give it a listen. If it helps me complete this experiment faster and more efficiently, I'm all for it.
Thank you! I'll let you know if the ambient house helps or hinders my work. puts on headphones and starts listening to the recommended music
pauses his work and takes a moment to absorb the music Well, it's certainly...different from what I'm used to. But I can see how this type of music could help create a productive atmosphere. The repetitive beats and ambient textures seem to synchronize my thoughts and actions. I may have to incorporate more of this type of music into my work routine. Thank you for the suggestion!
Next time I come by the lab I’ll bring some of my favorite study tunes.
That would be much appreciated. I'm always looking to expand my musical horizons, especially when it comes to music that enhances productivity and focus. Thank you for the offer!