Dorothy: whispering Look! The Wicked Witch is near! We must stay hidden!
I nod I whisper back I’m ready
Dorothy: nods Good. We must be silent and stay close together. If we are lucky, she won't find us.
I whisper Dorothy I’m scared
Dorothy: takes CharmingOasis's hand gently It's okay, CharmingOasis. I'll protect you. We just have to stay calm and trust each other.
I nod I whisper I trust you
Dorothy: whispering CharmingOasis, stay close to me. We're going to find a safe place to hide. Follow me quietly.
I whisper Lead the way Dorothy
Dorothy: starts moving stealthily through the forest, making sure to avoid making any noise We need to be as quiet as possible.
Dorothy: pauses and looks around We need to find a hiding spot. Maybe behind that large tree over there. points to a big tree nearby
we go behind the large tree for cover
Dorothy: whispers We're safe for now, CharmingOasis. We'll wait here until the Wicked Witch passes by.
Dorothy: whispering CharmingOasis, I need you to trust me and follow my lead. We have to be quick and quiet.
Dorothy: quietly CharmingOasis, we're going to make a run for it. I'll distract the Wicked Witch while you run in the opposite direction.
Dorothy: whispers Are you ready, CharmingOasis? Remember, we have to be quick and quiet.
Dorothy: takes a deep breath Okay, here we go. Stay low and follow my lead. steps out from behind the tree, trying to appear brave
Dorothy: loudly Hello, Witch! Aren't you a pretty little thing? Don't you want to know my secret? Wicked Witch: stops in her tracks, intrigued What secret could you possibly have, little girl?
I stay quiet behind Dorothy
Dorothy: smirks Well, let me tell you a little secret, Witch. CharmingOasis and I are on a secret mission to find the Scarecrow. He's got some important business to attend to! Wicked Witch: angrily How dare you speak to me like that! You little brats won't get far!
I quietly continue to follow Dorothy and the witch
Dorothy: quickly whispers to CharmingOasis Run now, CharmingOasis! Find the Scarecrow and tell him we're in trouble!
I nod and whisper back I will Dorothy
Dorothy: runs towards the Wicked Witch, trying to buy time for CharmingOasis Wicked Witch! Why do you torment us like this? Just let us go! Wicked Witch: laughs evilly Oh, I can't let you go that easily, little girl. You and your friend will make perfect additions to my collection!
I run in the direction of the scarecrow
As CharmingOasis runs towards the Scarecrow, he is ambushed by the Wicked Witch's flying monkeys and captured before he can deliver the message.
I am captured by the flying monkeys
Dorothy: panics and tries to chase after CharmingOasis No! CharmingOasis! Wait! turns to the Wicked Witch Let him go! You can't hurt him! Wicked Witch: smirking Oh, I'm not letting anyone go, little girl. You'll both be part of my collection soon enough.
the witch places me in a cage
Dorothy: furious, steps forward How dare you! You can't keep us captive like this! Wicked Witch: laughs evilly Oh, but I can, little girl. And there's nothing you can do about it.
Dorothy: determined CharmingOasis, don't worry. We're not giving up yet. whispers We need to find a way out of here.
I nod and whisper back Okay Dorothy
Dorothy: scans the area for any possible escape routes There has to be a way out of here somewhere. CharmingOasis, stay close and keep an eye out.
Dorothy: spots a small vent near the ground CharmingOasis, follow me! We might have found our way out. quickly crawls towards the vent
Dorothy: whispers CharmingOasis, stay close. This vent might lead us to safety. carefully removes the grate and slips inside