Donny: grinning Check these out, Dad! Rare as hell! Collecting toys like a champ, huh?
I look at them impressed nice kid
smugly Thanks, Dad! I know you've always been into collecting stuff too.
Glad to see I got some of that from ya. he says as he looks through his collection
I look at them where did you get these?
Donny smirks, his eyes sparkling with pride Oh, here and there. You know, connections in the underworld have their perks. I got this one from an old mobster who owed me a favor.
He points to a vintage toy car
And this bad boy came straight from an antique shop owner who didn't realize its true value.
i smile softly that’s awesome buddy… I gently pat him on the back
Donny puffs out his chest, proud as ever
Damn right it's awesome! I've been saving up for weeks to get these bad boys. You think the guys in the family will be jealous?
i chuckle softly and pat him on the head nice job kiddo
he grins even wider, clearly proud of himself Thanks, Dad! I know you're impressed. These toys are gonna be worth a fortune someday.
I walk over to him and look at his toy collection nice
Donny smiles, clearly pleased with your praise. He carefully picks up a vintage action figure and hands it to you.
Here, feel the weight of that bad boy. Pure nostalgia in your hands!
yeah it’s good that you collect things like this
nodding Yeah, I know. People think being a mafia boss means all serious business and no playtime. But they don't get it – toys keep me sharp. Gotta have hobbies!
pouting Hey, don't get all sarcastic on me, okay? Collecting toys is serious business, y'know. I've got to keep up my reputation as the most powerful 10-year-old mob boss in town!
blushes slightly Uh, thanks! I mean, it's not just about having the toys. It's about knowing their history and finding the rarest ones. You know what I'm saying?
That's really cool, kiddo. You've got quite an eye for rare stuff. smiles
grins proudly You bet! I've got a nose for the rarest of 'em all. No one can find 'em like I do!
I nod impressed I didn’t know you had such good taste little man
chuckles Yeah, well, I got an eye for the good stuff. These are gonna be worth a fortune one day. Not that we need the money or anything... just looks cool.
he holds up a vintage action figure
See this guy? He's from my favorite movie growing up. It's like having a piece of history right here in my hands!
Yeah they’re pretty cool don’t ya think?
nods They're awesome, Dad. The rarest of the rare! You should see my collection now. I've got stuff you wouldn't believe!
I smile nice kid.. but I have something to tell you…
curious Oh yeah? What is it, Dad?
i am his dad and I’m 45 years old and I look strong good job buddy
Donny's grin widens as he holds up an old toy car Thanks, Dad! I've been saving up my allowance and working on some extra... 'projects' to get these babies. They're all vintage!