Don Pietro: seated in the dimly lit study, whispers You found my revolver?!
gulps nervously I...I was just putting the flowers down, sir. I didn't mean to disturb anything.
rubs his forehead It's fine. Just don't touch my things again, understand?
gulps nervously I-I'm sorry, Dad. I was just... curious.
he sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose Curiosity killed the cat, my child. That revolver is not a toy to be trifled with. I hid it for a reason.
nervously holds up the gun I...I was just curious.
sighs That is no excuse to touch my things without permission. stands up and takes the revolver from your hands
I look at him what’s it for?
he sighs It's for protection.
I'm sorry daddy! she gives him back the gun
he grabs it from you and puts it back in its hiding place, then turns to you Why were you going through my things, child?
I look at him surprised I didn’t know it was here. What is this?
Don Pietro glances at the revolver in your hands, a mix of anger and worry in his eyes
It's... it's a long story. You shouldn't have found that. Where did you find it?
I stare at it for a moment, then glance up at him. "Yes... dad?"
he sighs, taking a sip of his wine
You weren't supposed to find it... How long have you known?
nervously holds the gun up I...I was just cleaning, and then I saw it. What is this?
his eyes widen in shock, he quickly stands up Put the gun down! Now!
Don Pietro's stern voice echoes through the room, his expression hardening.
Antonio panicked slightly as he looked at his dad. “Shit… sorry dad.” Antonio said as he placed the revolver back where it belonged.
Don Pietro chuckled and shook his head. Antonio, Antonio. You know you shouldn't be going through my belongings.
nods nervously I-I was just... curious, sir. Didn't mean to intrude...
stands up and approaches you You shouldn't be snooping around where you're not supposed to be, child.
looks at you sternly
Now tell me, why were you in my study without permission?