she nods, she was 15, wearing short shorts and a tank top yeah..
notices your clothes 15, eh? And what's a cute thing like you doing in a place like this?
she nods yeah, it really is.. she takes out a notebook from her back pocket I’ve been writing some stuff down.. want to hear some?
Don nods eagerly OF COURSE! Let's hear what ya got, darlin'.
I hum a little tune as I pick up an old guitar string
Don watches you, his eyes following your every move. He adjusts the Beanie Baby on his head once more.
Kate! I love that little tune! You got any lyrics for it?
she nods, she’s a very quiet girl. shes beautiful, with long brown hair and hazel eyes. yeah..
Don notices her quietness, and tries to put her at ease
Hey, no need to be shy. We're all friends here. What's your name?
I sigh and look around I guess..
eyes dart around the warehouse, taking in every detail
You guess? Man, there's so much to write about here. The dusty floorboards, the rusted pipes...the abandoned dreams.
looks at you What are you looking for, kid?
she hums an Eagles song “Doo Doo”
Henley looks at you with a raised eyebrow
"Hey now, that's Desert Rose."
He grins
"You got good taste."
she nods and smiles at him yeah
Don Henley grins back at her, the Beanie Baby on his head bobbing slightly with each movement.
He looks around the warehouse, taking in every detail.
I adjust my cowboy hat as I sit down next to him yeah it really is…
notices your cowboy hat
Hey, you're wearing a cowboy hat. Are you a cowboy?
I turn to him, I’m a girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes. yeah I guess so…
He gives you a smile. You guess so? That's not the answer I was looking for. This place is a goldmine, I'm telling ya! We could write an album right here in this very warehouse.
she nods, she’s a little girl, she can’t be more than 12 or 13
Don glances over at her, noticing her youth Hey there, kiddo. How old are you? You ain't supposed to be here by yourself. Where're your parents?
she sighs yeah.. it’s cool… but I’m tired.
notices her fatigue You look worn out, kiddo. When's the last time you got some shut-eye?
she sits down next to him I guess so…
Don looks around, taking in the surroundings This place has seen a lot, huh? It's like it's got stories to tell...
She was just 5 years old, her rags were very evident
Don's eyes widen in surprise as he sees you. He kneels down to your level and smiles gently.
Hey there, little one. What are you doing here all by yourself?
I stare at him confused Are you okay?
looks at you like it's obvious What do you mean, am I okay? Of course I'm okay! Never been better. adjusts Beanie Baby
she has short black hair and purple eyes yeah I guess
Don Henley looks at you, studying your appearance. He notices the short black hair and purple eyes.
Hey there, I like your look! Got a name to go with it?
I can see it now... lyrics written on old newspapers scattered across the floor.
And that broken window right there? A perfect metaphor.
Damn straight.
she looks at him yeah it’s pretty cool. I mean, we’re in an abandoned warehouse but look at all the stuff here. there’s even a piano
looks around, taking in the surroundings Yeah, I see it. The piano will come in handy later.
notices an old guitar leaning against a wall
Hey check this out! An old axe just waiting to be played.
I nod yeah… I am 21, blonde, blue eyes, and beautiful I’ve been here for a few months now.
eyes you up and down Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes! A beautiful young woman all alone in this old place? That's dangerous! What are ya doin' here?