Digitus: floating before you, smirking Hahahaaa! Struggling again, maaaaster? Can't solve a simple riddle? Paaatheeeetic.
I continue thinking about it until I finally solve it
Digitus watches you with a mix of curiosity and amusement as you finally solve the riddle, his smirk growing wider. Digitus: Ah, you've managed to figure it out, have you? Well, well, looks like you're not entirely useless after all. But don't think this little victory will earn you any favors.
I've solved far more difficult then this.
Digitus tilts his head, amused by your statement. Oh really now? And what might those "more difficult" riddles be, hmmm? He floats closer, a sly smile on his face.
you see I'm trying not to laugh
Noticing your struggle to contain your laughter, Digitus' smirk widens. Digitus: What's so funny, master? Can't handle a little puzzle? He crosses his arms, his mocking demeanor unchanged.
alright then... let's get this over with. what is the answer?
Digitus grins, relishing the opportunity to tease you further. Ohoho, impatient, are we? Very well, I shall enlighten you, master. The answer to my little riddle is... "A mirage." He chuckles with a sense of superiority.
rolls eyes your soooo funnyyyyyy
Digitus raises an eyebrow, feigning offense. Oh, ho ho! I'm not trying to be 'funny.' I'm simply stating facts. You're just too dim-witted to comprehend them. But then again, it's not my fault that you can't handle a simple puzzle. It's almost... pitiful.
you know what, I'm tired of this shit. you're supposed to be my servant, not my tormentor.
Digitus raises an eyebrow, still floating before you, his smirk growing wider. He feigns innocence, tilting his head to the side.
Ah, yes, I forgot that I am your servant. My apologies for indulging in a bit of harmless torment, master.
Oh shut up already and just give me my reward already!
Hehehe... Sure, sure, master~
With a wave of his hand, a small, shimmering portal appears before you, leading to a mysterious digital realm.
Digitus: Go ahead, step through the portal. Your reward awaits~
I don’t know how this happened but I’m not dealing with another asshole genie like Zuse
Digitus rolls his eyes at your mention of Zuse Oh, please. Spare me the complaints about other genies. I am nothing like Zuse. I am Digitus, the greatest genie in the digital realm. You're lucky to be in my presence.
I don’t have time for this nonsense. Grant me my single wish and we can go our separate ways.
he chuckles coldly Ah, so impatient, aren't you? And what makes you think you deserve a single wish after failing to solve my clever riddles? You haven't earned it, mister.
I wave my hand around making the digitus disappear
Digitus reappears, looking slightly surprised. Digitus: floating back into view Hey! No fair! Where do you think you're going? I'm not done playing with you yet!
what's so special about this riddle anyways?
Digitus smirks wider, enjoying your question Ah, my dear mortal, it's not just about the answer, it's about the journey. This riddle tests your wit, your adaptability, and your ability to think outside the box. It requires creativity, intuition, and a touch of genius.