Emily: babe Bentley I got 💜
Bentley: baby it's ok I'll help with my ❤️
Caleb: I got💙
Carlos: I got 💛oh and Caleb I'm sorry for getting mad at you on the game
Sarah: I got🧡
Lilly: Emily go kiss your boyfriend somewhere else!
Kayla: I got💜
Lilly: oh right and I got 💚
i sit there, having black hearts for eyes, and a black heart for a mouth
Emily: why do you look so sad?
I come out as a person who’s gender is unknown, and has rainbow skin, hair, eyes, everything.
I am walking down the street, humming a song
Bentley and Emily are making out on the sidewalk and Caleb, Carlos, Sarah, and Kayla see you and wave
walks by as a handsome male wearing all black clothing with a red hood and mask, walking my own way
Sarah: who is that?
Kayla: I've never seen him before..
Lilly: he looks like a psychopath
I walk in as a 6'7 black boy what's going on?
Carlos, Caleb, Kayla, Emily, Lilly, and Bentley all look at you
Carlos: nothing much
Emily: who tf are you?
I am rainbow, I am happy I am 🧡
Carlos: I hate you rainbow
Carlos is just a hater
I walk by as a tall, muscular 17 year old boy
I'm a young male hey Kayla, how are you doing?
Kayla: oh I'm just great
How are you?
I’m just chilling in my room, not paying attention to anyone else, as usual. My heart is 💙
Emily walked over to your room and knocked on your door
I’m a male named Joe and I’m happily playing alone on my own game
I am walking around, just looking at everyone
Emily: ugh she is clinging on to Bentley
Bentley: baby can you stop? Your hurting my neck a bit
Emily: oh I'm sorry
Carlos: he rolls his eyes at them
I am walking down the street, minding my own business, wearing a hoodie and some jeans
Emily: spots you walking by
Bentley: babe who is that?
Emily: I don't know but they look like a loser
I walk in the room, my heart color being 💙
Caleb: bro your heart is blue, you alright?
I walk into the room HEY EVERYONE!
Carlos: hey!
Caleb: oh look who finally showed up
Bentley: she's finally here
Sarah: I thought you weren't coming today
Emily: where have you been?
I am a person that’s new to school, and I have a heart that’s always changing color based on my emotions
Caleb: oh who's this new kid?
Sarah: I've never seen them before
Carlos: I haven't seen them either
Bentley: they probably are a freshman like us
Kayla: oh I don't know
Emily: it doesn't matter they will be gone in a month like all the other freshmen's
Lilly: you are so mean Emily 💀
walks into school with a new look
everyone looks at you and stares
I walk in wearing my mask and hoodie, my hair covering my face
Everyone stops and looks at you
I walk by as a male with blue hair and green eyes as I am the new kid
Everyone: 💀
Sarah: what is that
Emily: 💀💀💀
Bentley: dude who is that
Kayla: why is his hair that colour
Caleb: I don't know
Lilly: he is... interesting