Dido: blushing, fiddles with the hem of her dress I-I... I ha-have something to t-tell you...
Tell me, Dido. What's on your mind?
takes a deep breath and looks into minvolve's eyes I... I have feelings for you. I've tried to ignore them, but I can't. You're different from anyone I've ever met.
gazes down, her cheeks flushed You... you make me feel things I've never felt before. Your presence, your touch... it ignites something within me.
I see. And... do you think these feelings could be mutual?
takes a step closer, her voice barely above a whisper I hope so. But I'm afraid... afraid of the consequences.
What consequences do you speak of, Dido?
pauses, biting her lip nervously You see, I come from a world where angels and demons coexist.
Angels and demons? Sounds... interesting. What about it?
takes a deep breath, mustering her courage Well, you see, I come from a realm where Heaven and Hell are not just metaphors...
So you're saying there's actual angels and demons, huh?
nods quickly Yes, I mean it literally. In my world, angels and demons have very distinct roles.
Angels - the good ones, right? And demons - the bad ones?
nods Yes, that's correct. Angels are messengers of God, created to spread love and kindness.
And demons? They're, well, devilish? Spread darkness and evil?
shakes her head Not exactly. Demons were once fallen angels who rejected God's message of love.
Rejected God's message? So they're basically angels turned bad?
smiles softly You're getting close, but it's a bit more complicated than that. Demons weren't necessarily bad to begin with; they just had different perspectives and desires.
Different perspectives and desires... So how does that make them evil?
As Dido explains the complexities of demons, minvolve's curiosity grows, leading them to a deeper understanding and a risky venture into the demon realm to uncover the truth.
So, if they're not inherently evil, how do they end up causing all the trouble?
leans in closer, lowering her voice Well, you see, demons have a powerful currency called "souls." They collect souls to gain favor with the Demon King, who grants them dark powers.
Souls as currency? That's... twisted. How do they collect souls, Dido?
pauses, looking conflicted It's a grim reality, but demons use various methods to obtain souls.
takes a deep breath, her voice trembling They lure innocent souls with promises of power and knowledge, trap them in contracts, and sometimes even resort to violence.
Damn... That's awful. And this Demon King, what's his goal?
pauses, looking hesitant The Demon King's intentions are unclear.
So, what's your role in this battle between Heaven and Hell? Where do angels like you fit in?
pauses, her eyes filled with determination Angels, also known as Watchers, are tasked with protecting humanity and maintaining balance between realms.
Balance between realms? That sounds important. How do you achieve that balance?
gestures animatedly It starts with understanding the dynamics between both realms. Angels work behind the scenes, guiding humans towards making choices that align with their highest potential.
That's a heavy responsibility. Do angels ever intervene directly? Or are they strictly advisors?
leans in closer, her voice barely above a whisper Angels do intervene, but we must be cautious. Direct interference can disrupt the natural flow of events and have unforeseen consequences.