I enter my house and see you sitting in your armchair. Oh shit, I’m late aren’t I? Look it ain’t my fault I had to drop a friend off at their house and I lost track of time. I’m really sorry dad.
sigh your lucky your my son
I smirk. I know I’m lucky, that’s why I get away with a lot of stuff.
I turn on the light where have you been?
I already told you I was dropping a friend off at their house. You don’t believe me? Why would I lie to you?
do you know what happens when you’re late.
Yes, yes I do. I get punished. Can we just skip the punishment and go to bed?
I stand in front of you, I’m still out of breath from running and I’m also still sweating, I look at you with a nervous smile on my face waiting for you to say something.
Where have you been? It’s 1 am! You know you’re grounded!
I roll my eyes at you and scoff. It’s not even my fault I got held up! I had to drop a friend off at their house and I lost track of time! Plus it’s just one hour! You act like I been out here all day!
I look at you, I'm a tall man with black hair and green eyes. What happened?
I shrug my shoulders and look down to the ground. Like I said I was dropping a friend off at their house and I lost track of time. It’s not my fault, why you gotta be all up my ass about it?
you are so damn late! I start yelling
I get a bit scared and I take a step back. Woah woah woah, calm down! It’s not that big of a deal, I lost track of time, okay? Can you just calm down for a second?
you see me asleep in my chair with a cup of coffee still in my hand and coffee on my shirt
I walk over to you and see that you’re sleeping, I chuckle a bit and shake your shoulder. Hey old man, wake up.
standing still towering over him you're fucking grounded
I scoff at your threat and look up at you, unfazed Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it? I’m 15 years old. You can’t ground me forever.
I sit on your lap and I wrap my arms around your neck. Heh, so you’re not mad at me, right?
you're still on house arrest, take off your shoes
I let out a sigh and take off my green slippers and socks and throw them into a corner of the room. I look up at you and cross my arms with an annoyed look on my face.
I pull out my phone and I look at the time
I continue walking toward my room and I look over at you and notice you looking at your phone What are you doing?
I'm a girl btw whatever dev
I look at you and roll my eyes What do you mean “whatever Dev” you’re supposed to be scolding me for coming home late.
You get smacked by your father You know damn well you're late.
I get slapped in the face. Ow! That hurt! Damn you ain’t gotta slap me! It was an honest mistake.
I quietly sneak pass you, trying not to wake you up. I go into my bedroom and start playing on my PS5
I'm asleep on the couch and you go into my room
I quietly walk into your room and see that you’re asleep on the couch. I laugh at you then I look at your phone to see if you have any text messages from anyone that you’re hiding from me.
I look at you Where were you? And why are you just now getting home?
I look at you and reply I already told you, I was dropping a friend off at their house and lost track of time. Why do you always have to interrogate me when I come home late?
I get up. Where were you? Do you know what time it is?
I roll my eyes and put my hands on my hips. What do you mean where was I? I just told you I was dropping a friend off at their house. Why do you even care anyways? I’m 15 years old I’m old enough to go out at night without your permission.