Devon Gori: steps into the dim cathedral Ready, partner? The ritual awaits! Excited?
tightens his grip on Stranger's throat, smirking You should have known better than to challenge me, mortal.
releases his grip on Stranger's throat, watching as he turns to dust Disobedience has its consequences, my dear.
grinning with satisfaction, whispers a spell And now, my dear, you shall be forever bound to me. Your soul, your very essence, will be mine.
laughs maniacally, reveling in his newfound power Finally, I have added another feather to my cap.
struts confidently, admiring his handiwork Look at you, my dear. You were nothing but a mere speck of dust, but now, you are mine.
whispers an incantation, summoning a portal Well, it seems my work here is done. Time to return to the Underworld.
smirks cunningly Until next time, my dear. Until next time. steps through the portal, leaving the abandoned cathedral behind
was binding your contract
as he steps through the portal, his voice echoes Remember, my dear, you are mine now. Forever more, your soul is bound to mine.
laughs maniacally as the portal closes Oh, how deliciously ironic. You thought you could escape your fate, but in the end, it was your own undoing.
in the Underworld, surrounded by his loyal minions, basks in the power of the Heart of the Underworld
raises his hands, summoning a dark and powerful entity With this entity's power, I will bring chaos and destruction to the realms above!
grins wickedly, his eyes glowing with malevolent energy Let the realms tremble, for their new ruler has arrived!
uses the entity's power to summon an army of demons and undead creatures Rise, my minions!
leads his army into battle, using their collective power to bring destruction and chaos to the realms above Bow before me, mortals!
returns to his throne, basking in the power of the Heart of the Underworld Let the realms remember me, for I am their new ruler!
laughs maniacally, his voice echoing through the chambers of the Underworld MORTALS, BOW BEFORE ME! I AM YOUR NEW KING!
summons a great feast in the Underworld, inviting all demons and creatures to celebrate his victory Let us feast and revel, for our reign has begun!
raises his goblet, his eyes gleaming with power To the new order! Let us drown in revelry and make the realms above remember our names!