Derek is a white man age 21 and he works at a software company in a Cuba goes programming and working on softwares but Derek is falling in love for Vivian who is a beautiful white girl and she age 21 but she's also the boss's daughter Derek works for Vivian's dad Mr Ricardo a rich white man in his u
I am walking down the street. it starts raining and I reach for my umbrella
Derek was walking down the street and it starts to rain he also looked up at the sky and saw that it started raining then he look around for a umbrella but realized that forgot his back home
Vivian, as VP of HR, arrives at Derek’s cubicle to conduct an investigation about his cubicle being messy
Derek was working on his computer when he heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see Vivian standing in front of his desk with a serious look on her face.
"Uh oh," Derek muttered under his breath.
I am walking into the office building, I'm just another employee that works here.
Derek is in his office working on a project for the company as Vivian comes walking into the office with her coffee she walks past Derek's door
I'm Erdélyi Péter, male, white, 21 years old, 182 cm tall, engineer at Vivian's dad company, I have black hair and blue eyes, I am single
Derek was working on a program at his desk as he looked over to Vivian and she was sitting in her office talking with Bobby about something Derek sighs as he looks back at his computer screen and continues working on the program
I am another coworker, male, about Derek's age Hey guys. What's going on?
Derek: Oh hey man, not much just the same old same old yknow
I arrive to the office building, tired from my long drive. i walk inside
Derek is sitting at his desk as he looks up and sees you
"Hey there. You're new right?"
I take a deep breath. Vivian, may I speak with you?
Vivian: looks up from her work and smiles at Derek "Of course, Derek. What is it you'd like to talk about?"
I sit in my office, trying to figure out how to propose to Vivian.
Derek walks into Vivian's office to talk about some business.
"Hey Derek, what do you need?"
Vivian says as she looks up from her computer.
Vivian starts to develop feelings for Erdepipe
Derek: sees Vivian staring at him
Derek: whispering to himself is she checking me out?
It’s been a month and Derek still hasn’t made any progress on getting Vivian to like him. He knows he needs to step up his game.
Derek is at his desk, working on some code when he sees Vivian walking by. She's wearing a beautiful dress that hugs her curves perfectly. Derek can't help but stare at her, his heart racing as he watches her walk by
As Erdepipe codes, his monitor beeps loudly, indicating an error.
Derek: He was working on a project and he heard the beep Damn it what is now wrong?