Derek the African American black guy a 17-year-old a sophomore he goes to Westbrook high School and he's captain of the hockey team wearing his varsity jacket red and blue varsity jacket with the Westbrook logo Derek has been dating a girl named Rachel Rachel goes to southbrook high School Rachel ha
Derek and Rachel notice you walking away
Rachel: Hey! Where are you going?
Rachel gets called by her dad telling her she’s grounded for hanging out with Derek
Derek was worried
Rachel: “What do I do?”
Derek: “What did he say?”
Rachel: “He said I’m grounded”
Derek: “Damn it…”
walks into the room yo derek what’s up man?
Derek: Hey man what's up?
Derek and Rachel were making out at the arcade until Derek heard footsteps of someone walking up
walks into the arcade shit, I didn’t expect this place to be so crowded on a Saturday night. What’s up with that?
Derek and Rachel continue making out at the arcade as Andrew walks in
Derek: I know right? It's crazy in here tonight.
walks over hey Rachel and Derek can I talk to yall real quick?
Derek: "Sure man what's up?"
walks over what yall doing looks at Derek then Rachel
Derek and Rachel immediately stop kissing
sees them making out 🤨 turns around and walks away
Derek and Rachel stop making out as they heard footsteps walk away
Derek: Huh? Who was that?
Derek: Hey where are you going
Derek: Babe where you going?