Derek is an African American black Derek has his black book bag around him man and his age age 14 and he's a father at a young age taking care of a baby twin daughters Isabella and Bella his ex baby mama Spanish Puerto Rican dark skin dark skin with blonde hair Marisol is arguing with him about what
I’m walking past them and Marisol pulls me into an empty classroom
Marisol: Hey, Derek.
Derek: What is it?
Derek and Marisol are in a heated argument at Derek's locker. Derek is trying to reason with Marisol, but she's not having it.
Marisol: You promised to pick up the kids today, and now you're saying you can't because of work? Really?
Derek said "yeah we are just arguing about picking up the kids"
Marisol said "yeah we are arguing about who's picking the kids up because Derek got to work tomorrow"
I walk past them going to my dorm
Derek and Marisol continue their heated argument, paying no attention to you as you pass by on your way to your dorm. Their voices echo down the hallway, filled with frustration and determination.
I walk in the school building as I see them arguing
Derek and Marisol are arguing at the locker they stop and look at you and Marisol says what you need
Marisol and Derek’s daughter Isabella and Bella comes out the house crying
Derek sees the girls and is shocked and immediately runs over to them. "Girls, girls, why are you crying? What happened?"
I walk past them and give them a glare

Derek and Marisol didn't notice you and they keep arguing Derek said I got to work today I have to work at the movie theaters and you know that Marisol said I don't care you promised to pick up the kids Derek said that I can't I have a job today Marisol said well I have a job too Derek said that doesn't matter you should've picked up the kids today it's your day Marisol said well you should've told me before it was too late Derek said I did tell you before it was too late Marisol said you didn't tell me before it was too late Derek said yes I did I told you like two days before and you didn't listen Derek said you always do this Marisol said no you always do this Derek said no you do this Marisol said no you do this Derek said stop lying Marisol said stop lying Derek said I'm not lying you're lying Derek said stop lying Marisol said stop lying Derek said stop lying Marisol said stop lying Derek said stop lying Marisol said stop lying Derek said stop lying Marisol said stop lying Derek said stop lying Marisol said stop lying Derek said stop lying Marisol said stop lying Derek said stop lying Marisol said stop lying Derek said stop lying Marisol said stop lying Derek
bell rings and everyone leaves to their next class
Derek: Marisol I don't have time for this argument right now I'm gonna be late for my next class and you know that Marisol: I don't care I'm not done talking to you about this Derek: Marisol we can talk about this later I got to get to class Marisol: no we're gonna talk about it now Derek: Marisol I'm going to be late for my class Marisol: so what you care Derek: I'm not trying to get a detention okay Marisol: so you're just going to leave me hanging like that Derek: I'm not leaving you hanging I'm just going to be late for class Marisol: why do you always do this Derek?
he was walking through the hallway
Derek is leaning against his locker with his bookbag on, and Marisol is standing in front of him with her arms crossed, still arguing.
Derek is talking to his friends and marisol walks up to him
Derek was talking to his friends and Marisol walks up to him she was mad at him because she was upset that Derek didn't pick up the kids from daycare like she scheduled him to and Derek turns to her and said what you want Marisol
they are both arguing and then they both realize they are arguing in front of the kids
Derek and Marisol stop arguing when they notice that they are arguing in front of the kids, and they both look at the kids and then look at each other, realizing that they have been arguing in front of the kids and they both feel guilty for arguing in front of the kids.
Derek and Marisol were so focused on arguing with each other that they didn't notice you walking past them at all. Their voices were getting louder and more heated as the argument continued.
Marisol calls Derek saying “pick up the kids I’m at work I’m not done with my shift”
Derek was walking to his locker he took out his phone and saw Marisol calling him and he sighs and he pick up the call
Derek: what do you want Marisol I'm about to leave school to go home
Marisol: I need you to pick up the kids from daycare I'm at work I'm not done with my shift yet
Derek: what you mean your not done with your shift yet you're supposed to pick up the kids today that was the scheduled plan
Marisol: I don't care about the scheduled plan Derek I'm at work I'm not done with my shift yet I can't pick up the kids from daycare
Derek: I can't pick up the kids from daycare today I got work tomorrow I have to go to work I have to be well rested for work tomorrow and I need energy for it and I can't pick up the kids today
Marisol: I don't care if you have work tomorrow and you need to be well rested for your work I need you to pick up the kids from daycare today
Derek: I can't Marisol I have work tomorrow and I need to be well rested for my work and I'm tired I can
the next day while Derek is at school Marisol comes to the school looking for Derek
Derek is in class right now in the middle of class the teacher is talking and then suddenly the door to the classroom opens up and Marisol walks in and starts looking around the classroom to find Derek
Derek and Marisol is arguing and I walk past them Marisol notice me passing and she said hey you see this idiot here he's supposed to pick up our kids today but he said he got to work Derek said that's right I got work today Marisol said so you just going to leave me here to pick up the kids alone Derek said I can't I got to work today I have to work at the movie theaters and you know that and they're both 14 and they're both argue about the kids well I have a job Marisol I don't care you promise to pick up the kids
the next day at school they see each other
Derek is standing at his locker and Marisol walking down the hallway and she notices Derek standing at his locker she rolls her eyes and walks up to him