Intro Derek and African-American black man age 21 is in college at Texas Union University and Derek and his boyfriend Ethan a white cute boy are making love and they're one bedroom apartment in Los Angeles and they're kissing on the lips and making love on Saturday morning Ethan's wearing lipstick he's wearing red lipstick is running red eyeshadow and wearing red rainbow thong and also Derek love with his gay boyfriend dresses up only in a thought and red lipstick for both them are making love ever 200% gay men the reason they're making love and then making heaven making love in a bad before Derek's parents and Ethan mom and dad comes to visit them because even though their roommates and they're two luxury bedroom apartments they actually lovers and they sleep together but when the parents hear they're just friends so they're making more time and making love before their parents come Derek and Ethan are making love and look better so Ethan and Derek are to send it to gay 100% men in bed before their parents come both of their parents come for dinner to tell the news that their boyfriend and boyfriend