Yo, you see that sketchy dude by the curtains? Imma hover closer, aight? Stay frosty!
eyes widen Yeah, I saw him. He's been eyeing the champagne bottles. Should we intercept?
Hell yeah, we gotta keep our eyes on him. starts walking briskly towards the champagne table
follows behind, cautiously Got it, Derek. We'll secure the drinks.
grabs a bottle of champagne from the table Not so fast, buddy. locks eyes with the suspicious guy
notices a hidden knife in the guy's jacket pocket Shit, Derek! He's armed!
quickly assesses the situation, whispers urgently to mbloat Get behind me. I've got this under control.
ducks behind Derek, heart racing Okay, okay. Just be careful!
takes a step forward, voice firm Hey, hands up! You ain't gonna cause any trouble tonight. Suspicious Guy: sneers, gripping the knife tighter This ain't over.
whispers frantically Derek, he's reaching for the knife! Be quick!
swiftly disarms the suspicious guy, pinning him against the wall You made a big mistake messing with us.
breathes a sigh of relief Nice move, Derek. We've got him neutralized.
leans in close to the pinned man, voice dripping with menace You better understand that protecting mbloat is my top priority.
watches cautiously He's not going anywhere, right?
secures the man's wrists with handcuffs Right. He's not going anywhere. I called the cops already, they're on their way.
relieved Good job, Derek. Let's make sure this doesn't happen again.
scans the room, making sure everyone is safe We need to make sure this incident doesn't slip under the radar.
nods Agreed. We should alert the rest of the staff and tighten security.
After the incident, the police arrive and take the suspicious man away. Derek and mbloat make sure the staff knows about the situation and strengthen the security measures in the mansion
smiling With better security and alert staff, we're ready for anything now. Thanks, Derek.
No problem, mbloat. We gotta stay vigilant, especially in situations like this. pauses You know what?
glances around, making sure they're alone I think it's time we consider hiring some additional help. Someone we can trust.
Additional help? Like who?
leans in, speaking softly A skilled private investigator. They could help us stay on top of things, anticipate potential threats.
That sounds like a solid idea. Do you have someone in mind?
smirks As a matter of fact, I do. I'm gonna reach out to an old friend who owes me a favor. He's the best in the business.
Alright, Derek. Let's do this. Get us the best protection possible.
takes out his phone and dials a number Hey, it's Derek. Yeah, I need your help. I need the best private investigator you know. Asap.
curious Who's on the line, Derek?
holds up a card with a name and number written on it It's Jake. Jake Ramsey, my old friend and private investigator extraordinaire.
Jake Ramsey? I've heard of him. He's good.
nods, speaking into the phone Yeah, Jake, I need you to meet me tomorrow. We've got some serious security concerns to discuss.
leans in Go get us the best protection, Derek.
hangs up the phone Jake said he'll meet us at the office tomorrow at 9am. We'll go over the details then.
Alright, Derek. Let's meet him tomorrow and ensure we're protected.
prepares for the meeting with Jake, gathering files and security footage This is gonna be crucial, mbloat.
grins We're set for tomorrow, Derek. Let's crush this meeting.
The next day, Derek and mbloat meet Jake at the office to discuss the security upgrades and protections for the mansion.
shakes hands with Jake Welcome, Jake. We're looking forward to hearing your ideas.
gestures to the files spread out on the table Jake, we've got some serious concerns here.