everyone is in shock kaminari: bro what the hell?!
I am a white haired female wolf hybrid
everyone is just staring in shock
I was in my dorm room watching TV
kaminari runs to your dorm room
I was the basketball. I had large blue eyes and short, spiky black hair with pink highlights and blue highlights. I had on a white and black sports bra and shorts.
everyone looks shocked especially kaminari
I am a wolf hybrid. I sit up confused W-what the heck? Where am I?
Kaminari: you’re at the hero course basketball match… do you not remember anything?
I slowly float down from where I landed on the basketball, looking around at everyone. "What just happened?"
everyone is looking at you in shock kaminari: you just…you appeared out of nowhere!
NovaWhisper looks confused What the hell? What happened to the ball?
kaminari: you were the ball bro
I look around as I am confused on where I am. I am a wolf hybrid with white fur and blue eyes Where am I? Who are all of you?
Deku: I think this girl is a hybrid and she doesn’t know where she is.
Bakugo: she’s a wolf hybrid.
Kaminari: Woah.
Iida: This is quite unusual.
I am a female dragon hybrid who is aoit by trade. My wings have just appeared out of nowhere.
kaminari looks at you
kaminari: bro what’s with the wings?
I stand there and look at them all confused. I look down at myself where am I?
everyone looks at you in shock and confusion
kaminari: bro I don’t know how but you’re a hybrid!
I am the person that turned into the basketball Oww..?
everyone runs up to you
bakugou: you alright?!
I am a girl that looks like a human-crow hybrid. I was wearing tight black shorts and an oversized black shirt. what is going on?
everyone stares at you in shock kaminari: dude, you’re a girl!
I am in the basket ball court. I’m a small and petite white cat girl. I have one blue eye and one green eye. I look around confused.
Everyone just stares in confusion while kaminari runs over to you
Kaminari: Bro, what the hell? Where did you come from?
I land on my feet, looking around confused Where am I?
kaminari and the other male mha students look at you confused kaminari: bro you’re in the school’s gym, how did you get here?
I was wearing a skirt and a shirt. I was a cat human hybrid.
kaminari stares at you shocked
Kaminari: you’re a cat hybrid?
I was made from the basketball. I was a blue skinned and white haired girl with ocean blue eyes.
Kaminari is staring at you dumbfounded
I quickly stand up What the heck? Where am I?
everyone looks at you shinsou: who the hell are you?