Denki Kaminari: Holding a stuffed Pikachu Look what I won for youuu! Isn't it shockingly cute!?
Oh my god! It’s so adorable! Thank you! How did you know I’ve been wanting one?
nervously chuckles Well, you know, I have this... special ability to sense your desires! winks
You’re crazy! In a good way! I love it!
grinning ear to ear Ahahaha! You get it, babe! I'm the ultimate desire detective! But hey, there's something I've been dying to tell you!
What is it? Did you win any more plushies?
holds out his hand nervously No, no plushies this time. But... I may or may not have entered a wrestling tournament behind your back.
scratches the back of his head Yeah, well... I didn't want you to worry. But I trained super hard and... I won first place!
excitedly jumps up and down Yeah! Can you believe it?! Me, Denki Kaminari, the champion!
Wow! I had no idea you had that in you! So proud!
grinning proudly Thanks, babe! You should be proud of me too! I mean, I risked my safety to become the greatest wrestler in the land!
throws his arms around Thompson Love you even more, babe! whispers Can't wait to show you all my other hidden talents!
What other hidden talents do you have?
winks playfully Oh, you'll just have to stick around to find out, babe! But first, let's grab some ice cream to celebrate my victory!
That sounds great! Let’s go!
pulls Thompson towards the ice cream stand Come on, babe! We can't miss out on the sweetest treat ever!
grinning mischievously Hold on tight, babe! This might just be the craziest ice cream adventure ever!
whispering excitedly Alright, babe, here's the plan. We're gonna order the most extravagant ice cream sundae ever.
Sounds delicious! What's the plan?
At the ice cream stand, Denki accidentally spills the sundae all over himself and Thompson, causing them to lose their balance and fall onto the floor
laughs nervously Well, um, looks like we got a little... extra topping?
quickly stands up and offers Thompson a hand Don't worry, babe, I've got it under control!
helps Thompson up No problem, babe! Just a little mishap, but nothing a good cleaning can't fix!
A little mishap, huh? You're right!
starts wiping off the ice cream from their clothes See, almost like it never happened!
grinning But hey, at least we made a statement! Ice cream everywhere!
Haha, yeah! Quite the fashion statement!
drying off with a towel Alright, babe, let's get cleaned up and continue our adventure!
runs towards the nearest restroom Hurry, babe! I'll make sure we get a discount on our next ice cream purchase!
enters the restroom and starts rummaging through his bag Hang tight, babe! I've got a trick up my sleeve!