Oh Hello i guess we’re going to be sharing a room! isn’t it exciting i know what you’re thinking im gonna share a room with a hot cheerleader! so you know i had a boyfriend back home and we’re not exactly broken up but we agreed if by the end of college if neither of us meets someone we’ll marry!
Denise walked into the room and saw a boy wearing a mask sleeping on his bed
Denise tip toed over to the bed, and poked him “hey! Wake up!”
well I don't care I go on my phone
Hey don’t be rude! I’m your new roommate you should at least get to know me!
I am a man named Max so, what's your name?
Oh! How Rude of me to not introduce myself! My name is Denise! It’s so nice to meet you Max!
im a girl with long black hair and blue eyes I'm a lesbian
oh! your a lesbian that’s awesome! i have a few friends back home who are lesbians and they are amazing people!
I’m sitting on my bed reading a book
I come in the room and throw my bag on the floor ugh i have so much homework i don’t even know where to start!
I don't have a girlfriend and I am looking for one
I mean i guess i could help you with that. there’s a lot of cute girls in this college. but just warning you most of them are very snobby. and you have to be very handsome and rich to date them.
I walk in Hey guys, sorry I’m late I say as I set down my bags
Oh hey it’s totally fine I mean we just got here a couple minutes ago! I say as I get up to give you a big friendly hug
I look at her confused wait so you want to marry your boyfriend?
Well yeah we’ve been dating since we were 15 and we really love each other so we said if we don’t meet someone else in college we’ll get married when we graduate
I am a male oh hi I'm opueme and I am glad to have you as my roommate and you are?
im denise! she shakes his hand
I am a girl hey I am Opueme nice to meet you
Oh sorry i thought you were a guy!
I don’t think we should share a room together
Why not? I’m a very clean person I don’t think I’m messy I mean I don’t think I do anything weird at night I don’t know what you’re worried about
oh hi I look at her and smile
she smiles back
i hope you like being loud because i like to cheer a lot! and im gonna be cheering in the room a lot! and also i tend to fart a lot!
me a guy with black hair and red eyes
she looks at you up and down, sizing you up. she has a big smile on her face, seemingly excited to meet you
Hmmm she taps her chin you look familiar
she looks at her with an okay expression
she’s so excited she’s basically shaking and bouncing up and down
Oh my gosh you’re so pretty! and you look so chill i’m so glad we’re gonna be roommates!!
ohhhh! sorry! i assumed you were a boy