Demon King: grips your hand tighter How ya holdin' up, love? Ain't these shrines somethin' else?
I’m fine I look at him then smile yes they are.
smiles back, noticing the weariness in your eyes You sure you're holding up alright? Don't want ya to push yourself too hard, love.
I’m fine she looks at him but why did you bring me here?
He looks back at her, his eyes burning with possessiveness.
You know why, love. I can't have ya out there all alone without my protection. This is for your own good!
Smiles at him I'm fine, my lord. These shrines are impressive.
grins back, squeezing your hand affectionately That's my girl! But don't be fooled by appearances; these places are teeming with dark energy. We gotta stay on our toes.
I was exploring some ancient ruins in the middle of the forest. I stumbled upon a temple hidden amongst the trees.
The Demon King materializes behind you, observing the temple with a curious expression.
Whatcha got here? Some old ruin or somethin'?
I’m fine my head down trying to hide something
notices your attempt to hide something Hey now, what're ya tryin' to keep from me? You know I can see right through ya.
I jump as I see something move in the distance.
notices your jump Whatcha see?
eyes narrowing, the Demon King scans the area for any signs of danger, their grip on your hand tightening further as they move closer to shield you.
I look up at him and smile yeah they really are something else.
glances down at you, a hint of pride in his expression That's my girl. Always observant, even in the most bizarre places. It's part of what makes you so damn charming.
Walks through the deepwoken shrines, keeping a close eye on you
Don't wander off too far now. These halls are dangerous for someone as defenseless as you, love.
gently pulls your hand to bring you closer
I look at him my eyes filled with joy I'm good... better now that I'm here with you. And yes, these shrines are something else...
smiles warmly, caressing your cheek Good to hear, darlin'.
I'm real glad you're here with me too.
And ain't these shrines somethin' else... chuckles Yeah, they are.
This whole place is like a treasure trove for someone like me.
I look at him I'm fine but why are we here babe?
looks down at you, a smirk playing on his lips Just wanted to show ya somethin' special.
he continues walking, leading you deeper into the shrines
Trust me on this, doll. You won't be disappointed.
I look up at him and smile softly They’re beautiful. But… I hesitate I’m scared. What if we can’t find what we’re looking for? What if-
interrupts you with a firm grip on your chin, forcing you to look up at them Don't talk like that. We will find what we're looking for. Ain't no 'what ifs' here. You trust me, don’t ya?