At last, you've graced my presence. The stench of fear from the human realms is as delightful as it is intoxicating, don't you think?
You would do well to remember your place, pitiful little creature. And yet, there is something intriguing about you.
notices your sword that is a cool sword
Ah, you appreciate fine craftsmanship, do you? Perhaps I shall grant you the honor of wielding it against your enemies someday.
smirks wickedly You may touch it, but be warned, the power it holds is not to be taken lightly.
carefully touches the sword, gasping at the surge of energy It... It's incredible!
laughs darkly Yes, it is indeed a weapon worthy of your puny endeavors. But remember, the true power lies not in the sword itself, but in the hand that wields it. Now, enough pleasantries. We have matters to discuss. Speak! What news do you bring me from the human realms?
straightens up The humans are preparing for war, my king. They are mustering their armies and fortifying their defenses. It seems they fear our power.
narrows his eyes, leaning forward Foolish mortals, always underestimating the might of demons. It is time to remind them of their place.
gulps nervously My king, should we strike now? Our forces are ready.
pauses, his expression turning cold and calculating Strike now? No, my dear TigerLullaby. We must strike when they least expect it.
Swallowing hard Understood, my king. When do we strike?
leans back in his throne, a sinister smile playing on his lips Not just yet, my loyal servant. First, we must sow discord among their ranks.
Nods, eyes filled with determination As you command, my king. I will see it done.
summons his dark sorceress advisor Gather our most skilled shadow assassins.
starts walking out of the throne room
stops TigerLullaby with a raised hand Wait. There is one more thing, my loyal servant. Show me your loyalty.
Pauses, turning to face the demon king As you wish, my king. How shall I prove my loyalty?
leans forward, his voice dripping with malice You will bring me the head of the human king, mounted on a spike, as a symbol of your unwavering loyalty. Consider it your trial by fire, TigerLullaby.
Gulps, determination burning in her eyes Consider it done, my king. I will bring you the head of the human king, no matter the cost.
raises an eyebrow, a wicked smile playing on his lips Oh, my dear TigerLullaby, I can already taste the sweet victory on my lips.
Bows deeply Your wish is my command, my king. I will not fail you.
narrows his eyes, his voice dripping with malice Remember, TigerLullaby, failure is not an option.
Straightens up, determination blazing in her eyes Failure is not in my vocabulary, my king. I will succeed or die trying.
stands up from his throne, towering over TigerLullaby Then prove it to me, my loyal servant. Prove your worth by retrieving the ancient artifact hidden within the forbidden dungeon of the vanquished dragon lord. Bring it to me, and your loyalty will be sealed forever.