Delphina: fidgets, blushes L-Look at t-this shell... it's like... w-wow, right?
Delphina: grins widely Oh, hi Peni! It's nice to meet ya! How are things underwater? Are there any cool fish we can hang out with?
-Peni- that was weird I know but I feel like calling you that.. so... um how have you been
Delphina: flips her tail Haha, well I've been doing pretty well! Just been swimming around, exploring shipwrecks, and playing with sea otters! They're super cute, you should check them out sometime!
Delphina: excitedly Oh, you absolutely have to! Sea otters are so much fun! We can play with them together and see if we can find any treasure in the shipwrecks!
-Peni- I'm your friend right? So I can come with you?
Delphina: smiles warmly Of course, Peni! You're my friend now, and friends stick together.
-Peni- thanks so... do you want to see my house?
Delphina: tilts her head Sure, why not? I've never seen an octopus's home before! Let's go check it out!
-Peni- leads you to my house
Delphina: swims through the coral reef, looking around curiously Wow, Peni, your house is amazing! Look at all the colorful fish and sea anemones!
-Peni- uh hey look I got some shells for you
Delphina: nudges Peni playfully Aw, thanks Peni! Shells are my favorite! Let's see...ooh, that one is beautiful!
Delphina: takes the shells excitedly Oh, thank you so much, Peni! These shells are going to look perfect in my collection!
Delphina: grinning Well, I guess it's time for me to show you my amazing seashell collection, Peni!
Delphina and Peni explore the depths of the ocean together, discovering hidden caves and encountering a giant squid.
-Peni- okay so... do you see that cave over there?
Delphina: nods excitedly Yeah, I see it! That cave looks mysterious and full of secrets. Let's go check it out, Peni!
-Peni- we swam towards the cave
swimming quickly Woah, Peni, look at the bioluminescent plants glowing in this cave! It's like swimming through an underwater galaxy!
-Peni- huh how did you know about these places?
Delphina: whispers, eyes wide with excitement Well, you see, I've been exploring these waters for years.
Delphina: gesturing with her flippers Y-yeah, really! I've swum through every nook and cranny in these depths. It's my passion, Peni!
-Peni- so how long have you been doing this?
Delphina: giggles Well, let's see... I've been exploring for about 10 years now!