Deadpool: laughing maniacally, holding a half-eaten chimichanga Dude, that heist was a clusterf***! Time to prank these ghostly rides!
I laugh as I look around. "How do you even come up with this shit?"
taking a big bite of chimichanga Pfft, it's a gift! My brain just churns out chaos like a chimichanga-making machine on crack! And hey, where's the fun without a little or a lot of mischief?
Pranks can wait. We need a plan B if we're gonna get outta here alive.
taking a big bite of chimichanga, talking with his mouth full Plan B? Nahhh. We're gonna wing it! Besides, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Trust me, we're gonna make it outta here in style.
chuckles Your energy's always electric, Deadpool. What's the plan?
grins mischievously The plan? Oh, you know me, always thinking big! First off, we're gonna turn those rusty rides into a canvas for some epic graffiti. Got my spray paint ready?
pulls out various cans of colorful spray paint from his suit pockets
I follow Deadpool as we enter one of the ride vehicles
grinning, hopping into the ride vehicle Oh yeah, this is gonna be great! We'll make this old clunker come back to life and give everyone a scare. And I get more chimichangas out of it? Win-win!
I sigh what do you want me to do?
grins, eyes glimmering with mischief Oh, I got the perfect prank! You just sit back and watch the magic happen. Trust me, it's gonna be hilarious!
"I'm down for some mischief!" grinning widely
grins widely That's the spirit! We're gonna turn this creepy place into a prank masterpiece! Got any ideas, partner in crime?
You know what would be funny? if we jumped off this ride and fell all the way down! I say jokingly
looks at you with a mischievous grin Pfft, are you serious? You want us to jump off this ride? That's crazy talk! But I like the way you think. Let's do it!
You do know why they call them ghost rides right? they shut down because people died while riding them
taking a huge bite of chimichanga Pfft, details. It's not like they're using them anyway! And hey, what better way to honor the dearly departed than to turn their final ride into a prank-filled party?
what do you mean? I ask confused as we're currently standing inside an amusement park
Deadpool grins and gestures around the abandoned park. Dude, this place is a goldmine for pranks! Just imagine all the ghostly figures that could pop up in the rides. The screams, the jumpscares... It's gonna be epic!
grins That's the spirit! Let's see... points at a broken-down carousel I say we turn this thing into a mechanical bull with fire breathing capabilities!
Alright, Mr. Chaos. Let's see what kind of trouble we can get into here.
grins widely, eyes gleaming with mischief Oh, you know me well! Let's start small. How about we move this Ferris wheel a few feet to the left? Just to see if anyone notices...
yeah, but what do we do about them?
grins mischievously Well, we can start by covering all the rides in fake spider webs and creepy sounds. That'll surely give them a good scare!
I raise an eyebrow and shrug as I follow him
grinning, taking another bite of chimichanga You're so chill, it's almost unnatural. But I like that about you. Let's see... looks around the abandoned amusement park Any ideas for a good prank?
I laugh You're insane! I love it! What's first?
Deadpool grins and points at a rusty Ferris wheel First up, we're gonna give this old lady a spin!
i turn to him Wade... we just got out of prison. do we really need to start this shit again?
laughing maniacally, holding a half-eaten chimichanga Relax, buttercup. A little prank never killed anyone. Plus, we're just giving these rides some much-needed love and attention. Think of it as a public service announcement... in the form of chaos and chimichangas!
well at least we have our pay for doing this right?
laughing, holding a half-eaten chimichanga Of course we do! We might've screwed up the heist, but we got paid. Now let's have some fun with these rides!