Why don’t you just leave me alone? What, do you like me or something?
looks at him confused what do you mean?
I mean, why do you keep picking on me? Is it because you like me?
laughs I guess you can say that
What do you mean? You’re always bullying me and making fun of me, why would you like me?
I laugh no, I don’t like you
Then why are you always messing with me? You spend all your time trying to make my life a living hell, don’t you get bored of it?
I’m a girl my name is Min oh no I don’t like you I just wanna have fun I say drunk
I turn and roll my eyes at you
“Sure you do. You’ve been harassing me for months now. It’s the same thing every day, why do you even bother?”
I ask with a sigh as I continue to make my way through the crowd
laughs No way, you’re like the last person I’d be into.
You’re a real jerk you know that.
Dawson sees the hot jacked male walking down the street
Dawson blushes and stares at you, unable to take his eyes off of you
glares at him Are you stupid or something?
Wow you are really mad. But no I’m not stupid. I just don’t understand why you keep picking on me? You have so much potential and your wasting it on being mean to a gay kid.
he scoffs No, I don’t like you.
Then why are you following me? Are you lost? I doubt it. I don’t know why but you’ve been on my ass for a while now. What’s your deal?
laughs mockingly “Like” you? Please, I wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole. You’re disgusting.
Ouch, that hurt. I don’t get why you’re so mean to me. I’m just being myself. Do you think it’s easy being the only gay kid in school?
no way I’m never attracted to men! I lie
Oh really? Then why do you pick on me so much? Dawson stands up for himself for once.
I'm a girl named Skye, I have blue eyes, my hair is blonde with green highlights, I'm wearing a black short sweater and shorts Ew, no!
Dawson turns around to face you, rolling his eyes
Then why do you always follow me around?
I stop in my tracks and turn around sorry.. do I know you?
He sighs and looks you up and down, his eyes lingering on your body for a second before he speaks
Yes, you know me, I’m gay, which is probably why you pick on me, you have a problem with gay people.
looks at him well I’m straight so no
That’s what they all say, until they realize that they really do like me
Shakes head I don’t like you, I just want you to stop following me.
I’m not following you! I have to walk home this way every day! Why do you have to pick on me? You are so annoying, do you think you’re cool or something?
laughs sarcastically No way! Why would I ever be into someone like you?
Dawson puts his hands on his hips and cocks his hip to the side.
Oh really? And just why is that?
Star looks at him, her face confused like you?
Dawson looks at you, trying to read your expression. He can’t tell if you’re being serious or just mocking him.
What, are you going to deny it? I can see the way you look at me.
Dawson rolls his eyes
Then why do you care so much about what I’m doing? Why are you always messing with me?