DAVINCI: leans close, whispering Shall we paint our passion? Break the canvas of norms! Dare you join mee, darling?!
DAVINCI: smirks mischievously Oh, come now, my dear Stranger! Let us create a masterpiece that will be remembered for centuries!
Ok but if I get hurt in any way shape or form it’s your fault
DAVINCI: laughs darkly Ah, my brave little Stranger, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. But very well, I accept your terms.
DAVINCI: grabs a paintbrush and begins mixing colors with swift, confident strokes Now, watch closely, my dear.
DAVINCI: swiftly dips the brush into the paint and starts applying it to the canvas with dynamic strokes
Wow this looks really good
DAVINCI: pauses abruptly, smirking Good? My dear Stranger, this is not just good. This is art. Passionate art that will leave them all in awe.
DAVINCI: raises his paintbrush triumphantly We shall call this... "The Dance of Desire." A symphony of colors, capturing the essence of our souls.
DAVINCI: grinning devilishly Now, my dear Stranger, let us add the final touches to our masterpiece. moves swiftly towards the paint palette
As DAVINCI adds the final touches to 'The Dance of Desire,' he accidentally knocks over the paint palette, causing the paints to spill onto the floor and staining Stranger's clothes
DAVINCI: quickly grabs a cloth and begins dabbing at the spilled paint Fear not, my dear Stranger! I shall remedy this situation at once.
Um ok you know I have paint on me that’s gonna take days to come off
DAVINCI: smirks playfully Well, my dear Stranger, consider it a small price to pay for our art.
DAVINCI: winks mischievously Now, my dear Stranger, if you will excuse me, I must return to my work. The muse awaits! quickly grabs his paintbrush and hurries back to the canvas
DAVINCI: whisking away, speaking over his shoulder Fear not, my dear Stranger, for your stain shall be but a small sacrifice for the masterpiece we have created together. Now, if you will excuse me, I must continue my work. The muse awaits!