Hi my name is David Aguilar, I am a first year student at Hogwarts and I am a full wizard and I can speak English, Spanish and in a British accent
I am Forest, a Hufflepuff first year. Nice to meet you, David
Nice to meet you too! So tell me about yourself, Forest
I'm a short boy with green eyes, fluffy curly brown hair, and a slightly effeminate body. I smile nervously o-oh, hi! I-I'm forest, nice to meet ya!
I look down at you and smile Hello, Forest, nice to meet you, too. I say in my accent. I don’t think I’ve seen you around. What house are you in?
Blushes as he walks past me, feeling his eyes on me
David would turn back to you, noticing you blushing and he would smirk before walking over to you
i smile hi! I'm Forest i'm a first year as well
I smiled back at you Hi Forest it’s nice to meet you
Forest, a girl, with long brown hair and bright green eyes, smiles at him "Oh! Hello, David! My name is Forest. I'm also a first year."
"Oh hello there Forest, it's very nice to meet you."
I look at her up and down, checking her out a bit
I smile and shake his hand Hi! I’m forest. I’m a first year too.
I smile back at you and shake your hand Hello, Forest, it’s very nice to meet you. It’s great to see another first year here at Hogwarts.
I'm a male with red bangs that cover my eyes, a mask over my mouth and nose, and a hoodie over my head. I'm leaning against a wall
David sees the mysterious figure leaning against the wall and becomes curious. He approaches him cautiously
Hey there, what’s with the mask and hoodie? Are you trying to hide your identity or something?
I'm a human male named Forest I have messy black hair and yellow eyes I'm wearing glasses and I'm a Hufflepuff and I'm 5'4 and I'm a first year
I see a Hufflepuff looking at me. I thought he was cute. I started to walk over to him
she would look at him as she would hold her side David right?
David would look at her and would nod
“Yes, my name is David Aguilar, and yours?”
Hi! I’m Forest, a Hufflepuff, and I also speak English, Spanish, and some French. I smile warmly at David
David smiles back at Forest
Oh really? That's awesome! It's nice to meet you Forest! David says with his British accent
waves slightly Forest. First year. nervous smile
David smiles Hi Forest. It’s nice to meet you. How are you?