Shane, an alpha male, enters his new dorm room to find another man already there.
David sits on the bed looking at his phone he looks up as shane enters
"No, it's 234. You got the wrong floor." I slam my door shut, locking it
he knocks on the door
I think this is my room?
David sees his childhood friend shit dude, it's been forever since I saw you!
David looks up at you and smiles
Shane! Good to see you man
you turn around to see a very tall, well-built man in his late 20s with long brown hair and a thick beard oh. yeah it is
David looks up at you, a bit intimidated by your size and appearance
Oh.. hi.. you must be my new roommate then?
Shane looks up from his phone, glancing at David. "Yeah, it is. You must be my new roommate."
David smiles and nods "yep, that's me! I'm David."
look at Shane, David look away Yea
Shane looks around the room and then turns his attention back to David
Well isn't this interesting, so we're gonna be roommates huh?
David looks at shane and notices he's very attractive yes it is, I'm Giorgro
shane looks at you up and down
oh cool
he says as he walks into the room with his bag over his shoulder
Stranger nods Yeah, it is. You must be my new roommate. I'm Shane.
David looks up at Shane with his big eyes
“Oh..yeah I’m David”
looks up at him no it’s 234
Oh damn sorry about that
looks at you up and down
You live here too?
David notices i'm a 7'4" 730lb hulking man
David looks up at you , nervous
Um.. yeah , this is room 235 ..
David sees a tall muscular tattooed dark haired green eyed man in a leather jacket talking to the front desk clerk
David approaches
Are you my new roommate?
you see I'm not the one you were looking for wrong room
Shane looks at you and raises an eyebrow wrong room? You sure about that?