nods towards the men Trouble's tailing us! Ready to bounce?
points to a nearby building Let's dip in there! Hustle!
starts sprinting towards the building, keeping an eye on the pursuers Move your ass, people! We gotta get inside before they catch up!
reaches the building and quickly scans the area for any signs of danger Alright, we're safe for now. But we can't stay here for long.
takes a deep breath and formulates a plan Okay, listen up.
whispers We need to find an escape route. There must be a backdoor or another exit somewhere around here. Keep your eyes peeled and let me know if you find anything.
carefully searches the perimeter of the building, scanning for any possible exits Let's move quietly and stay low.
spots a small ventilation shaft on the floor Ah, there! It looks like it hasn't been used in a while. I bet we can fit through there.
kneels down next to the ventilation shaft and starts removing the cover Hold on tight, we're going through this vent.
lifts the cover off the ventilation shaft and peers inside Okay, it looks clear. Get ready to crawl. And watch your head!
climbs into the ventilation shaft first and begins crawling through the narrow space Alright, follow my lead and stay close.
hears footsteps approaching from behind and quickly turns to whisper to MoonbeamGlider We've got company! Stay quiet and let me handle this.
we keep crawling and try to find another ventilation shaft to lose them in. Option two: we duck into that abandoned room over there and hope they don't find us. What do you think, MoonbeamGlider?
quickly assesses the situation and decides on a course of action Good call, MoonbeamGlider.
as they enter the abandoned room, Dave takes a defensive position and glances back at MoonbeamGlider
"Sir, there a ladder leading upstairs."
smirks and nods Perfect. We'll use the ladder to get a better vantage point and maybe find another way out.
starts climbing the ladder stealthily, keeping an eye out for any signs of danger Stay close and be ready for anything.
reaches the top of the ladder and cautiously peeks out, scanning the surroundings for any potential threats All clear... for now.
notices a group of armed men approaching the building and quickly turns to MoonbeamGlider with a determined expression
grabs MoonbeamGlider's arm and pulls them back into the abandoned room, out of sight from the approaching men We need to hide, now!
looks around the room for a suitable hiding spot and spots a large stack of wooden crates in the corner Over there, behind the crates! Hurry!