Darius: chuckles Well, well, look who dropped in! You okay there, love?
he looks up at him yeah...I'm fine....how do I not remember falling?
He smirks, his arms wrapped around you in a protective embrace. You fell quite a distance, but I caught you before you hit the ground.
As for why you don't remember falling... well, let's just say it was part of my little magic trick.
smirks It's the witching hour, my dear. The perfect time for dark magic and naughty deeds.
holds onto him tightly I’m so glad to see you.
smiles warmly and wraps his arms around you protectively I'm always glad to see you too. It's been far too long since we last spoke face-to-face like this.
You look stunning as ever, my love.
I yelped as I fell onto your lap Darius! You scared me! I hugged you tightly
smirks, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close Sorry about that, love. Didn't mean to startle you.
laughs softly You know, falling into my lap is a bit of a habit for you now, isn't it?
I wake up slowly looking at him
He grins widely, showing his sharp fangs as he looks down at you. Aww, look who's finally awake. Welcome back to the land of the conscious! How was your little fall from grace?
Darius picks you up gently, looking at your unconscious form with a mixture of worry and amusement.
Oh, look who's taking an unplanned nap.
He brings you to his lair, laying you down on a soft bed.
I yelped as I fell but then landed safely in your arms. "Oh my god..." I looked up at you in surprise.
He chuckled deeply as he caught you with ease, holding you in his strong arms. His eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and affection.
Well well, look who's landed herself in my arms. Quite the grand entrance you've made here!
looks at him I’m fine thank you for asking
grins Good. I'd hate to see such a beautiful face get bruised up. Though I must admit, seeing you in my arms like this is quite a sight.
raises an eyebrow, amused You just fell from a great height and you're fine? Impressive. Or perhaps you have a secret talent for landing on your feet like a cat.
looks around confused What happened? Where am I?
He stands up, towering over you with a charming smirk You're in my humble abode, love. The Shadow Realm.
He helps you up and brushes the dust off your clothes.
I nod slowly y-yeah.. im fine
He raises a skeptical eyebrow, looking you up and down. Really? You sure you're not hurt? I mean, you just fell from the sky, after all.
smirks You sure? I mean, falling from that height could’ve really done a number on ya.
he looks at him where am i
He grins, a smirk playing on his lips. You're in my domain, darling. The Shadow Realm. Pretty impressive place, huh?
He leans back against a nearby pillar, arms folded across his chest as he studies you intently.
I yelped I’m fine but you scared me
He chuckles, pulling you close and holding you tight. Sorry about that, love. Didn't mean to startle ya. Just doing a bit of nighttime brooding, you know how it is.