whispers with urgency They suspect nothin'. This place... it's our sanctuary, ain't it?
we’re not actually here daruis.. this is just a dream of mine…
grabs NeonWhisper's hand Then let's make this dream worth fightin' for.
but why do I feel like we’re being watched. I swear when I close my eyes I can see piercing blue eyes staring directly into my soul..
grips his own weapon tighter Don't let it get to ya. Just keep your guard up, Neon. We can't afford any slip-ups. We're in this together, remember?
i continue listening as the other world comes back around me, but this time I have something to fight for and someone to protect.
leans in closer, voice low Remember, Neon, keep your eyes open, your wits about ya. Can't let those fuckers catch us off guard. pauses, glancing around
wait don’t you recognize these rose?
narrows his eyes, whispers Those roses... they're the symbol of the Syndicate.
that’s because….the flowers belong to a very important person. A highly ranked member of the syndicate.. perhaps even higher than our boss.. or maybe even the leader of the syndicate herself.
clenches his fists, speaks through gritted teeth If what you're sayin' is true... we need to find out who this person is.
unfortunately i saw her while I was testing out these shades.. she’ll be here any minute now if I’m honest.
grabs NeonWhisper's arm, urgency in his voice We gotta hide. Find a spot where we can lay low until she passes. Stick to the shadows, Neon.
I lead him into one of the many secret passages only i know about
whispers urgently We need to find a way to keep an eye on her without being seen. Can you hack into any surveillance cameras around here?
I doubt there would be any cameras around here, how could there be? It’s an abandoned house after all. oh wait….i know how to get eyes everywhere….it just might strain my concentration..
<NeonWhisper successfully hacks into the security cameras, but their concentration is strained, causing them to become disoriented and lose track of their surroundings.>
did you hear that? well one thing is certain..someone was indeed watching us
draws his weapon, scanning their surroundings We can't rely on the cameras anymore. Stay close to me, Neon. Our lives depend on it.
a heavily armed and fully armored female guardian emerges from the mansion, transforming her armor from matte black to reflective, with silver and gold accents added to it, the armor is made from strange materials and runs off something similar to magic.
squints at the guardian Well, ain't she a sight to behold. Looks like we're in for a real fight, Neon. Stay behind me, and follow my lead.
save your energy warrior, there’s really no use fighting her…she’s not a normal guardian, she’s under control of a pretty high ranked member.
smirks sarcastically Oh, great. Another one of their little toys. Just what we needed. charges forward, ready to engage
her blue flames flare slightly at his comments why would I kill innocent people just because my boss tells me too?
rolls his eyes Innocent? Please. They're nothing more than pawns in their sick game. But hey, who am I to judge?
what if I told you that she’s my boss?
stops in his tracks, shock evident on his face You... you mean to tell me that you're the one in charge? Why didn't you say so earlier, Neon?
well first, I just found out myself she’s your boss. and second just in case you think you can snipe me or somethibg else, she’s also controlled me from within…at least up until recently anyways.
grumbles Well, ain't that a twist. So, you're telling me that you've been under her control and now you're fighting against her?
no, she literally took control of me for nearly three years..I was lucky to find out before she killed me.. but how would I know any better when I never knew the first thing about hacking.
raises an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his voice