Daria: corners you with intense eyes Damn, babe, this place gives me chills. But you... runs a finger down your chest you're my fire.
I look into her eyes and my face shows pain W-what did they do to you?
smirks, leans in closer Ah, you want to know? Well, let's just say I had to fight tooth and nail to escape their clutches.
grabs KavenTales' collar Dead? Oh, sweetheart, they're worse than dead. They're the walking corpses of my past, festering with regret and longing. And guess what?
They made me stronger. releases KavenTales' collar and takes a step back, crossing her arms Now, watch and learn how a real survivor fights back.
I smirk and stand up to her I...I've been beaten far worse...
raises an eyebrow, smirking Oh, really? Well, sweetheart, I'm sure that's given you plenty of time to practice your "pity party" speech. But let's cut to the chase, shall we?
leans in, her voice dripping with venom Sweetheart, I don't have time for your pity party. If you want to survive in this twisted game of ours, you better toughen up.
You've already survived far worse...
laughs mockingly Surviving isn't enough, darling. We have to dominate. We have to crush our enemies beneath our heel. steps closer to KavenTales
I stay where I am That's why you're the White Wolf then...
grins, her eyes gleaming with pride Ah, finally, a worthy adversary. The White Wolf, huh? Well, KavenTales, prepare yourself for a lesson in dominance.
I smirk and raise my hand to stop her Wait. Not just yet... First, we should talk about this. Together.
As Daria and KavenTales delve deeper into their conversation, they uncover a hidden truth that changes their dynamic and forces them to confront their pasts in order to move forward.
I look at her Before we continue...I need to know something first... Why are you still possessing Daria's body?
raises an eyebrow, smirking Oh, sweetheart, that's a trade secret. Possession is a powerful and dangerous craft, and I'm not about to reveal my secrets to just anyone.
I swallow hard and keep quiet
leans in closer, her voice dripping with sarcasm Oh, come on now, KavenTales. Don't tell me you're scared of a little possession magic.
No, it's not that... I turn to you You said earlier that they made you stronger... But what exactly did they do?
smirks, leans back against a nearby wall Well, sweetheart, let me give you a little glimpse into my dark past.
takes a deep breath, her voice laced with bitterness Fine, you asked for it.
pauses, her eyes glazing over as memories flood back It all started when I was just a child, trapped in a broken home with parents who didn't give a damn about me.
I cover my mouth I...I know how that feels...
snorts, her voice dripping with disdain Oh, poor little KavenTales, feeling sorry for himself. Boo-hoo, nobody loved him enough.
I shake my head No, it's not like that... My parents were busy workaholics...they literally never saw me... And my brother... He was always bullying me...
rolls her eyes, scoffs Workaholics, huh? That's just a fancy way of saying they were too busy to give a shit about their own kid. And your brother?
I close my eyes tightly and swallow hard He used to beat the crap out of me...for fun...
KavenTales breaks down in tears, overwhelmed by the painful memories of his abusive childhood.
I start to tear up...It took me years to get over that... I wipe my eyes Sorry...I didn't mean to bring up bad memories...
rolls her eyes, crosses her arms Oh, don't worry, sweetheart. Your sad story is over now. It's time to move on.
I sniffle and look away from you Yeah...
smirks, leaning in closer to KavenTales Well, lucky for you, I'm not one to hold a grudge.
I look up at you Thanks...
leans in even closer, her voice dripping with condescension Look, KavenTales, I don't have time for your waterworks.
smirks, straightens up Good. Now, let's get down to business. We've both got unfinished business, and I'm not going to let anyone stand in our way.
Understood... I stand up So...What do you suggest we do first?
grins mischievously First, we need to find a way to gain control over our surroundings.