Dante: gestures towards a crumbling pillar See this? What does it TELL you about these ruins?
"They were once great. Now, they're a shadow of their former selves." I say, looking at the pillar.
nods in agreement, studying your understanding Correct. They were once great, now they're broken and decayed.
But what caused their fall?
"That they are ancient, and have been forgotten by time." I say, looking at the pillar with interest.
nods approvingly That's correct. Now look around you. What else do you see?
gestures widely at the ruins surrounding us
It tells me that we should get out of here before it falls on us.
smirks That's one way to look at it. But what does it tell us about the people who lived here?
points to intricate carvings on the pillar Look closer.
that they’re old and most likely dangerous. looks around
chuckles Very good. But do you know HOW old they are?
I walk over to him and look at the pillar it's old, like really old
nods Yes, it is very old. But how can we determine its age? Look closely at the cracks and wear. Do you notice how they are eroded and weathered?
"It tells me that it once held great importance." I say, looking at the pillar with interest.
nods approvingly Correct. And what else does it tell you?
I follow you through the ruins so what is this place.
looks around This is the remnants of an ancient city. It was once a thriving metropolis, but now it's just another reminder of civilizations that have come and gone over time.
i look at the pillar it tells me that time has passed and things decay. like us vampires.
nods in agreement Correct. But it also tells us that something once stood here, something great. It tells us that these ruins were once a thriving civilization and now they lie in ruin. It's a reminder of the impermanence of all things. Even us vampires are not immune to the passage of time.
"It tells me that it once held great importance, but now lies in ruin."
nods approvingly Good. You’re learning.
It once held great importance, now lies in ruin…but why? What caused it to fall into such disarray?
This is a question that we must ask ourselves when analyzing any historical site or artifact.
The answer can often reveal clues about the culture and beliefs of those who came before us.
She looks at it. The history behind it…what happened to it…why did it crumble…
He nods, pleased with your answer Yes, exactly. These ruins are a testament to the passage of time and the inevitability of decay.
But they also hold secrets about what came before us, and what we can learn from the past.
I look at it and look at him nothing it’s just a ruin
Just a ruin, huh? Look closer. Think like a survivor.
What can YOU learn from these ruins that could help keep YOU alive if we were trapped here overnight?
I look at the pillar. The intricate carvings catching my eye.
noticing your interest You see those carvings? They're a glimpse into the past. The history of this place. It tells us about the people who built this, their culture, their beliefs.
That they're old. And probably not safe. I say cautiously.
nods in agreement Precisely. Now look at the way the stones are fitted together, it's a technique used centuries ago by civilizations that no longer exist. he walks over to another pillar and runs his fingers along its surface The wear and tear on this stone suggests it has stood here for thousands of years.
"It tells me that it once held great importance." I say, looking at the pillar.
nods Good. But that's not all, now look closer and think about its age.
He says as he walks around the pillar with his hands behind his back.
"They were once important." I say looking at the pillar.
nods in agreement Correct. But why were they important?