Yo, this place is creepier than my search history. Glad you showed, babe. kicks a pebble, trying to look nonchalant
I know right? This place gives me the heebie-jeebies! But hey, it's kinda cool too, ya know? Like a haunted house without the haunted part.
yeah true I say while playing with a rusted key
Hey, mind if I take a look at that key? Maybe we can find something interesting around here. extends his hand eagerly
i nod and give you the key
examines the key closely Huh, this looks really old. Wonder what it unlocks. Maybe a treasure chest filled with golden tickets! laughs
Let's find out! Follow me, adventurer! grabs Bloompe's hand and starts exploring the amusement park
wait babe you still have dirt from yesterday on your face
Oh, damn! Thanks for letting me know, babe. quickly wipes the dirt off his face Can't have anyone thinking I'm a mud-covered caveman, right?
Hey, watch this! jumps over a broken fence with ease Boom! Just like a superhero! Okay, maybe not a superhero, but a regular guy with cool moves!
starts doing an exaggerated superhero pose Look at me, Bloompe! I'm the Amusement Park Savior! strikes a dramatic pose and flexes his muscles
im totally scared I lie laughing
<As Dante strikes a dramatic pose, he loses his balance and falls through a rotten board, landing with a loud thud>
Omg are you okay babe! i rush to you scared
groans Shit, that hurt! But I'm okay, babe. Just a little bruised ego. laughs sheepishly Guess superhero moves aren't as effective in real life.
do you want me to carry you home I ask concerned
Nah, I'll be fine. Just a little fall. winces in pain But hey, I gotta keep my street cred, you know? No carrying me around like a damsel in distress.