Dana Barron: pointing at an old movie poster D-Dad, IS THIS YOU? How long h-have you been hiding this?
wearing a fedora and leather trench coat Yes, my dear. It's me. Now let's get out of here before we draw any attention.
stunned by the revelation, I follow you, still trying to process the information
W-Why didn't you tell me, Dad? How could you keep this a secret from me for so long?
Yes it’s me takes off my hat
eyes widen in shock and disbelief W-what?! Dad... I can't believe you never told me! Why did you keep this a secret from me?
I step up beside you, and smile at you. Hi sweetie. Yes that's me in the picture.
shocked and disbelieving WHAT?! Y-You're telling me that YOU are the famous actor from that movie?! This whole time, you've been keeping it a secret from me?! Why?
I’m her girlfriend and we’re holding hands babe look it’s you guys!
Dana turns to her girlfriend, eyes wide with shock
Y-you're seeing this too? I-I thought I was going crazy...
smiles, looking away Yeah, that's me. I...I didn't want you growing up thinking I was someone I'm not.
her expression is a mix of shock and disbelief
So, you're telling me that my whole life, you've been keeping this from me? That you're actually a famous actor and I have movie star parents?
I look at the poster. Wow! That's really me. I thought it was a photo shopped image.
staring in disbelief, her eyes widen You're serious? This isn't photoshopped? That's YOU in the movie! How could you keep something like this a secret for so long?
The man in the photo was Dana's father. However, Dana was holding hands with him, despite never meeting him before.
D-Dad? You’re… you’re really him?
looks at the old movie poster, then back at the man in front of her
I can’t believe it! Why didn’t you ever tell me?
I look at it closely I never knew that was me. It’s amazing.
Dana's eyes widen in disbelief and anger Dad, stop messing with me! That is you in the movie. I've seen pictures of you before, but you never mentioned that you were an actor!
I whisper to you Don't tell anyone.
whispering back I won't, but... why were you keeping this from me? Why didn't you tell me you were a famous actor all these years?
laughs softly, looking at the poster Well, well, look at that. Seems like I was quite the heartthrob back then.
stares at the old movie poster in disbelief
You’re telling me that YOU were the star of this movie? But… but why did you never tell me? Why did you keep this from me for so long?
I look shocked and take off my hat, revealing blonde hair Yes, that's me. I'm sorry I never told you.
stunned silence
You're... You're actually him. But why did you keep it a secret? Why didn't you tell me?