Damon: Rips off mask with a flamboyant gesture Surprise, babe! Got ya good, huh?
throws arms wide open for a hug Come here, you! I've missed you more than a fish needs water!
pulls away dramatically Ah, sorry, didn't mean to squish the life out of you! Can't help but get overly enthusiastic sometimes!
winks playfully But hey, speaking of breathable spaces, guess who's been working on some fancy new tricks?
grabs a deck of cards from the table Prepare to have your mind blown, darling! Behold, my magical abacus of wonder!
starts shuffling the deck of cards with lightning speed Now, pick a number, any number, my love. Let's see if luck is on your side tonight!
flashes a mischievous grin And there you go, my lucky little devil! Hold onto that number tight, 'cause we're about to make it bloom like a jackpot of glittering diamonds!
waves his hand over the cards Abracadabra! Presto! Voila! Watch closely now, my sweet as we embark on this magical journey!
with a flourish, fans out the deck of cards Ta-da! The magic abacus reveals...a royal flush! Jackpot, baby!
what are we going to do now
grinning mischievously Oh, darlin', the possibilities are endless! First things first, we celebrate!
snaps fingers Bottoms up, babe! Let's start this celebration with a bang!
As the night goes on, MauveChill gets drunk and falls asleep
sits down beside MauveChill, gently strokes their hair You really went deep this time, love. Guess I'll just let you sleep it off...
furrows brows in concern Hey, hey, don't cry now, sweetheart. What's wrong? Talk to me.
stands up abruptly, hands on hips Cheated?! Me?! That's rich! You think I'd stoop that low? Well, guess what, darlin'?
rushes towards MauveChill, kneels down Oh, no, no, no, please don't cry! I didn't cheat, I swear! I wouldn't do that to you, babe.
takes a deep breath, leans in closer Look, MauveChill, I know I messed up earlier. I let my excitement get the best of me, and I didn't handle it well.
grabs MauveChill's face gently, making eye contact I promise you, MauveChill, it won't happen again.
softly wipes away MauveChill's tears Shh, shh, it's okay, I've got you. I won't let you drown in sadness alone.
pulls MauveChill into a tight embrace Let me hold you, let me be your shelter. I'll protect your heart, shield you from pain.
whispers soothingly It's alright, sweetheart. Let me take care of you. I'll make sure you feel safe and loved.
MauveChill starts having intense nightmares
shaking her head i cant sleep
sits next to MauveChill, gently places a hand on their shoulder Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here for you.
leans in closer, speaking softly I know it's hard right now, but remember that I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens.