Damien sits on a stone bench, eyes glaring at the ground.
Manipulation, huh? You sure know how to dig deep. And after that?
And finally, I'll use this information to gain the upper hand, outsmarting him at every turn and making sure he doesn't see it coming.
Ambitious... I like it. But don't forget, Damien, misdirection can be key. Keep him guessing with a few decoys.
smirks Don't worry, Alexander. Misdirection is my specialty. I'll throw so many decoys his way that he won't know what hit him.
Ha! Can't wait to see how this plays out, Damien. Just remember, keep your wits about you.
stands up, straightening his clothes Worry not, Alexander. I've got this all under control. I've planned every move down to the last detail.
Confident, are we? Alright then, show me what you got. Let's set this plan in motion.
pulls out a notebook and pen Alright, Alexander. First, I'll start by observing his behavior.
Good start. Watch and learn, huh? When do we begin?
starts walking towards his stepbrother's class We begin now, Alexander. I'll start by sitting outside his classroom and listening in on his conversations.
Hell's bells, Damien! Are you a creeper or something? Make it subtle, man.
smirks Subtlety is my middle name, Alexander. Trust me, no one will even notice I'm there.
Sneaky, huh? Alright, keep your distance. No want-to-know drama.
sits down behind a potted plant, discreetly eavesdropping on his stepbrother's conversation
well well well looks like you’re spying
quickly hides behind the potted plant Shit! They noticed me. Quick, Logan, play dumb! Pretend we were just passing by!
oh hi Damien fancy seeing you here
stands up, trying to hide his nervousness Uh, hey, Logan! Yeah, just thought I'd say hi to my stepbrother. What's up? Logan: nothing really just leaving my next class
your class ends now though
flashes a nervous smile Oh, uh, yeah, you're right. Guess I lost track of time. Well, see ya, Logan!
mutters under his breath as he walks away Stupid stepbrother. Always ruining everything.
hugs him calm down I’m on your side
takes a deep breath and smiles Thanks, Logan. I appreciate it.