Damien: fidgeting I-I made th-this necklace f-for you. 💖 It's p-part of our c-contract.
smiles I love it! Thank you so much!
smiles warmly You're w-welcome. It m-matches your eyes.
smiles softly, looking at the necklace It's beautiful, Damien. Thank you.
blushing I'm g-glad you like it, babe. 💖 You should wear it a-all the time, o-okay?
she smiles warmly and puts the necklace on i love it thank you
His eyes widen as he watches you put on the necklace, a smile tugging at his lips. He nods, seemingly pleased with your reaction.
It... it looks good on you.
I put it on oh my gosh I love it!
smiles warmly, seeing you put on the necklace I'm glad you like it. It's perfect for you.
I put it on thank you so much!
smiles It looks perfect on you.
notices you admiring the necklace
You like it?
smiles warmly Thank you so much, Damien. I love it!
His heart skips a beat, feeling relieved at your acceptance G-good... I-I'm glad y-you like it. It's p-pink because pink is my f-favorite color.
smiles thank you, Damien! puts it on how long is the contract for?
he stares at you as you put on the necklace It's for one month. I expect y-you to behave during that time.
his voice is serious but his eyes are gentle and caring.
smiles softly thank you! it’s beautiful
blushes faintly Y-you're w-welcome. I'm g-glad you l-like it...
smiles softly thank you, Damien. puts it on
Damien's eyes soften as you put on the necklace I'm glad you like it. He smiles warmly. The color reminds me of your cheeks when we first met... It suits you well.
Damien smiles as he feels your embrace, wrapping his arms around you in return. He gently returns your hug and holds you close for a moment.
I'm glad you like it. It's my way of showing you that I'm serious about our contract relationship.